wooo oo well done chucky:553::553:I can vouch for how fab you look, and look forward to meeting up again as soon as i'm driving again

Thanks Sally, will look forward to seeing you soon xx
hi i only joined recently and have just read about your op and would like to say a big well done xx
Thank you hun, so nice of you xx
Hi Nic
Congratulations on your one year anniversary!! Hasn't time flown? I'm up to my one year on the 29th of this months! I agree with everything you say, you couldn't believe that a year ago we were so different would you?!
You look great and very happy! And your little boy has grown up so quickly - he's very cute!!
Congrat's again and here's to losing that last 3 stone!
Hi Cat
Yes it has gone so fast but as you say totally life changing in every way.
Alfie has really grown hasn't it but he's a good un, so funny, keeps me busy too!
Not long for your anniversary and you have done fab too so well done you xxxx
Hi Nic
Feeling much more human and only 6 days post op. The recovery does seem to be going well. The new photos look great - those are some pins you've got there, girl!
It would be lovely to get together. Sally has been a great op buddy.
Hope the check up goes well, who will you see? If it is Mr Agwunobi - enjoy!
Hi hun
Not sure if they will transfer me to another surgeon or not really but will ask today, you are doing well hun and I'm sure Sally was a great op buddy to have, she's so lovely, I had a good one too which makes things easier for you xxx
As for the pins - lol its amazing what a tan can do to make them look a little better!!
Hi Nic, what an inspiration. You've done fantastic and should be so proud of your self. :happy096:Well done and good luck with the rest of your journey.
Thank you

Must say a great big CONGRATS to you & happy surgiversary!!! You have come a long way and should be soo very proud of yourself, you will have that last 3 stone off before you know it.

Thanks Nic, I hope so its driving me mad now! xx
Hi Nic, huge congrats on your anniversary hun. 9 stones is an awesome weight loss and I hope I can do as well in a year. You will soon have the last little bit off Im sure.
Hi Sam, I'm sure you will do as well if not better than I have xx
You've done amazing, I've loved reading ur journey cos ur honest about the struggles and temptations as well as the positives.
Yous is a path I'd be proud to follow in all ways cos U look fantastic and ur a lovely person too x x x
Hey Hun
Was lovely to see you last week (would of been better in different circumstances of course), but didn't he have a lovely send off.
We were at the Cricket Club later and it was great cos all the young kids were playing and that is what Andy & Dave, my brother etc used to do every Friday so I thought it was really fitting.
We will have to meet up again soon and have a good catch up.