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my highs and lows, ups and downs

well today i had my vina cava filter fitted they had to go in through my neck as the vains in my groin are not as good as they should be due to thrombosis. I had a local anastetic and was awake all the time because i was scared to have anything due to being put out tommorrow for my gastric bypass. Got everything packed hope i dont find i have forgotton anthing when i get there, Well heres to tommorrow thought this day would never come.
Good luck for 2moz hunni xxx

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:Dwell yesterday i had my gastric bypass i went down at 1.30 and was back up at 8pm due to a bleed i had in my left side, i wont lie when i came out of the anestetic i was terrible sick and in ageny but the pain relif finnaly put an end to that. my pain is now well controlled i am out of high dependancey unit, have had a wash and got my nighty on had a bit of porridge it was nice i really enjoyed that it tasted a bit like a cappachino(he he). Then i walked to my room and here i am sitting on my computer catching up with everything.;)
Glad ur bypassed and on the mend hun happy healing xxx

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today is day 6 i am feeling fine slept well last night after a little blip, i went to my bed but couldnt get comfortable and when i did drop off i had really vivid dreams about being put to sleep by the anethatist and not being able to wake up a bit of the after affects i suppose,i am so glad my son is staying he help me out if bed so i went to my new rise and recline chair which i am so so glad i got it has been a god send in these early days,and i slept like a baby till 7.00am, got up had a some porridge blended waited a while had my tablets and some warter then sat in my beloved chair and snoozed till gone 9.00am.up till now i have not been sick thank goodness i have kept to the rule so i shouldnt go far wrong. plus everything i have taste stronger it realy is nice even though i am having no more than 2 table spoons. for my tea tonight i had a small egg sized potato some low fat cheese and chives soft cheese and a tea spoon of powderd milk blended it was very good and later for my snack i have made up some weight watchers angel delight with a little skimmed milk i bought it from asda in a little satchet.
for my lunch i had some big veggie soup blended with this was nice but very rich for me at the moment. i must remember to get my protine as this is so important i spoke to the dietition in murrayfield and i mentioned protine powder to which she replied dont waste your on this you can get protine in your food. so thats me for today my goal for tommorrow is get all my warter and protine in. xxxx
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Hi ive just read through all your posts and im so glad that it has all gone well for you, even though you had a long wait. good luck and here's to a speedy recovery .
Ur doin great hun well dun glad ur gettin comfort on ur chair :) xx

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day 7post op and i feel fine i managed to go to the toilet today which i havent been since my op i have been weeing fine this i realise now was adding to the pain so the sooner you can go for a number 2 the better, still a bit tender but pain relief is helping with that, my antibiotics are kicking in cos when i have a wee you carnt half smell them. i am keeping food down fine but lets face it it blitz to within an inch of its life its no wonder, i had poridge for breakfast, chicken soup for lunch , muller light for a snack, then for dinner i had carrot an corriander soup with muller light for snack, going to have a milky coffee with an extra spoon of milk powder shortly, and for supper some blended pair. yummy. my son has gone back to uni today so back to just me missing him already.
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Ur doin great hun well dun :) x

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day 8post op and i am feeling really weak i got a delivery from tesco the usual soup, warter, yoghurts, kitchen/toilet rollss, things like that. i bought some ready made protine drink in strawberry bliss any way it said 50gms per bottle so i put some ice cubes in the blender and half the bottle blitz it all up and drank it with a straw it went down well. then mid morning had a milky coffee with a spoon of powderd milk, blended soup for lunch, yoghurt for snack, soup for dinner as i could not tollorate the blended mince or mash yet (i had the protine shake for brakfast) and about 6.30 i had to go the loo and i never really got off it all night, tried to get as much fluids in. had poridge this morning and milky coffee with powderd milk, blended soup for lunch warter in between and i feel ok thank god, will be giving them ready made protine drinks a wide bearth from now on.
oh and this morning i woke up and all around my back felt wet had a look and one of my wounds has oozed out in the night so changed that and it seems to be ok will keep my eye on it though, i go and get my staples removed on fri, goodness time isnt half passing so fast. xxxx
tonight i feel a bit better i had a sleep this afternoon and that has done the trick. my wound seems ok a bit red not weeping out though but i am on antibiotics so they should help that also. been on my own since mon manageing fine. not answerd the phone to my mum today as i have decided i am not putting up with her verbal abuse no more as its abuse no matter what form. at least i wont have no one to thank when i am fit and well. only my son. just feeling a bit low and you guys are always here to listen which is priceless i think you need to talk about whats going on with you sometimes. been stuck in for a week cos my legs are bad anyway i walk around the garden like to get a bit of fresh air but what is most frustrating is i live about a half an hour walk from the beach my gole is to eventualy walk there. thats me rambeling on thanks for listening i think i am not going to answer my phone to my mum for a few daysd i havent got the strength for her abuse. xxxxxxxx
Oh honey I'm glad your feeling a little better, I'm sorry about you gettin abuse from your mum too, I'd do the same with the phone huni, you just concentrate on you and your goal! Keep going hun were all behind you your doing great! Take care, loads of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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thanks toni that means a lot, i really totaly am on my own without you guys i dont know how i would cope, i lost touch with my school friends and my work friends a long time ago and i havent seemed to make any more my life like many others is a saga, so i only have my son who i speak to on the phone and thats it. i will be glad when i loose the weight and my legs go down so i can walk out and see differant faces, go to collage, have a life.
day 9 post op and i am fine with what i am eating, had some blended pair for my supper last night and it was lovely. still feeling quite weak thats prob on account of the bleed i had when i had my op, hope i am not aniemic, one of my wounds is stilol weeping a milky coulour now so i have redressed it, i go back to murrayfield tommorrow in the morning to get my staples removed so see what they say then, go to my doctors in the afternoon also to get some more meds. finished my antibiotics this morning so thats another thing gone, got these fragmin injestions for 3 months i am going to look like a pin coushion, i am not weighing my self untill my 3 month check when most of the swelling has gone down.xxxxxx
Aaww bless your heart hun I know what you mean about friends, I'm still in contact with a lot of mine but they don't understand so you lot are a life line for me too, I can't believe how clueless I was about the op before I found this site, its mad how much I have learnt! I hope your wound stops weeping soon hun and I hope everything goes well at the hospital honey take care Xx

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I am thank you its a beautiful day and I've had my rant and moan so I'm ok now lol :) Xx

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