Hi girls,
I'm really sorry I've not been posting lately. Don't worry I haven't sunk back into depression I've just been busy. I am doing alright foodwise today. Yesterday was a horrible day...couldn't keep anything down and I managed to injure my throat so had a bit of bleeding

Not happy. I have really good days for a few days then a day of nothing staying...I am going to ask about this at my next check up but for now I've just gotten used to it. Chicken is a horrible thing now...unless it is cooked down to melting point it's a no go for me. Though prawns(always my favorite food) have proven to be my best friend

Happy about that! I'm going to try beef for the first time tomorrow but I am going to cook it to melting point so I should be ok and of course veg which I am quickly forming a great love for (no sickly feeling with any so far except raw carrots). I took all my pants in last week and guess what have to do it again this week. I should start buying myself some new clothes but as stated before I'm too cheap to pay £20 for a pair of jeans I will have to take in next week lol. I'm nearly to my second goal of making it to 200 pounds so have started searching for new hair styles (I can't wait it has been 5 years since I had my hair done in a salon). My boobs have started shrinking (happy about that too).
I haven't heard anything about the housing yet but the lady did say it would be around 2 weeks before they get back to me...its been a week yesterday. Hopefully soon. I didn't post anything on facebook on our anniversary (I'm going to try to act like a grown up now lol). He got drunk and told me that no matter what happens I will always be a part of his life because he can't live without me....uhhhh yeah don't count on it love!!! I'm coping just about...I still have meltdown and cry when I really wish I could just walk away but I'm coping as best I can atm. He does wind me up though. Always going on about my smoking (yes I know I need to quit and ????) Yesterday he came in and said Christ I really wish you'd quit that s**t and I answered back!!!! said yeah well I wish you would stop being a scumbag too but that hasn't stopped you has it?? I didn't mean to say it out loud I'm just sick of the things I do being the only things that ever are wrong!!! My smoking, my surgery, my eating now, my going out, my staying in, this forum, blah blah blah why do I need it why do I do it why don't I just have cake when he offers it??? What??? Trying to get better, be better, feel better I need this forum because you all support me and he just tries to tear me down....sorry didn't mean to go into a tantrum. lol
Anyhow thats me...how are all of you?
lots of love always