I found a fabulous top and a gorgeous black shrug to go over it and looked and felt more beautiful than I have in years. The whole day was absolutely wonderful. It was nice seeing my friends and being surrounded with love all day. There was eleven of us all together and we talked and laughed and had a great time for hours. I had a marvelous salad (called superfood salad) with prawns (of course) and didn't feel sick at all the whole time

I was out all day and got in around 10ish totally shattered and fell asleep not long after going to bed

I got some me to you bear things (I'm in love with Tatty bear lol) and a new bag (I love love love). I am not allowed to have any of my other prezzies until my actual birthday though lol. My favorite little man (I've mentioned in earlier posts) made me a beautiful butterfly card which I intend to keep forever and told me I am the most loveliest woman he knows and he loves me to the moon and back a zillion billion times

He sat beside me and we had a lovely talk about his life and then he invited me to his next week so he can make me a healthy pizza and we can have a proper catch up where it's more quiet...I love little man so much

My bestie has invited me to get the train and come spend the day with her in Camber Sands next week as well...I haven't decided whether to go or not but seriously concidering it

I didn't take any pictures lol we were having so much fun and laughing so much it completely slipped my mind...sorry. This week I will have to spend some time out as my daughter has gone away to see her boyfriend and is going to be gone until Thursday and we are very close and hardly ever spend time away from each other. I will miss her badly. Tomorrow is my next follow up appointment and I hope it goes well. I might go get Easter eggs tomorrow after my appointment...no it won't tempt me. I'm really not bothered by any of that anymore

My daughter already pointed out the one she would like to have and then said I didn't have to get her one as she is a grown up now (she's 21). Yeah right as if I care how old my baby is lol. I guess by now I'm starting to bore you so I'll shut up now and go.
Hope you are all well
lots of love always