I remember too!! We got feet too!!! My horse had to stay in for about 2 months!!
Actually he is a Clydesdale... A good Scottish horse!! I havent ridden for about 2 years due to my bad back. I couldnt risk another fall...i used to do cross country with him and all sorts but after I stopped riding the weight piled on. I still have him, he is at a Friends farm on the moor, hes in retirement now..i think he is about 19 now. I couldnt bare to sell him incase he fell into the wrong hands, im a bit soft like that when it comes to animals...a child I would happily sell on ebay!!
Hi sharon..sounds like a good weekend off!! Hey if you need any driving tips just ask...if you get that under your belt you can get your Merc!! Have a good time with Kirsty too x
Glad your feeling better hun How are you managing to swallow the antibiotics with your band? Do you crunch themYou have a fab weekend planned, have a great one
x x x
Oh and happy birthday for Monday in case I forget..my memory is shocking x