X x x
Hey chick
How's your mum? X x x
How's your mum? X x x
She is doing ok thanks! Fingers crossed to get out tomorrow !! Xxx
Thanks Brooks! Well my throat is red and feeling like sandpaper!it's Defo an infection!! Ugh! Can't wait to next weekend for my next day off!! Xxx
Sorry your mums not well Sharon....and amazing loss another stone! Your rocking! I'm in America doing my best to put it on!xxxx
Davenport.....Florida! It's soooooo hot! Xxxx
No, none! Only got here Wednesday....here for 3 weeks.....and I'm not really much of a shopper! Xx
Hope you're feeling better soon Sharon x The antibiotics should kick in soon, theres some nasty viruses around atmx x x
Aww mines does that aswell love, it's annoying!!Lost my reply twice already, so let's hope it's 3rd time lucky!!! Hope you get better soon, and don't work yourself to hard or recovery will take longer. I wondered if other people notice they get ill after weightloss? I remember the first year after I stopped smoking I was always ill, perhaps all theses change play havoc with our immune systems xx