Oh Chrisa!! Emmy is adorable she makes my ovaries ache. Haha! How have you been my lovely? Did you take time off work to spend with your family or have you saved up your holidays for over Christmas?
Lynsey, I have everything crossed for you and will be thinking of you. You should have had your surgery by now. Gosh!! I will check for updates, how exciting!
Last Christmas was a complete wash out thanks to me being ill so I have been doing my best to make it up to my little ones. I made them a giant, hanging advent calendar and placed Christmas tasks inside each numbered day. God, they lived it! Today's task was to make snow globe's. Seeing their faces was so worth the exhaustion I also made some cards and reindeer food for Ava's class. They will sit in handmade pockets. I will try to take some pictures before we send them in. Ava is so excited to tell her class that her mummy made them! You may recall that I ran a business specialising in this kind of thing and I had quite forgotten how much I enjoyed it all.
I will rest up tomorrow though, you mToday's my words.
Note to self. Leggings no longer look trendy, I need to get a few chunky tracksuits, something a lot less figure hugging. Lol!