To be honest Fem, it was just a bit of an experiment. I wanted to try something, anything and see what the outcome would be. I should have videoed the episode, then I could have played it back for all of you and we could have had a good laugh at my multiple facial expressions and groans! It did hurt too actually, despite the chewing. I think its safe to say Bagels are a resounding "No".
I was left with explosive bottom poop too and its still coming and seeing as though we (I) are sharing; I had a bit of an accident today whilst sitting on the sofa, if you know what I mean? It was utterly direful; so much so that my poor husband cried for me. The pain was tantamount to labour, my abs were rock hard! If only I could boast of a 6 pack to go along with it. Haha!
Debs, I am doing my best my lovely. I so appreciate your kind words; all I have is my mind and my writing at the moment. Sharing my story (the good and the bad and the down right sorrowful) has really helped me to deal with how I feel and to gain some perspective.
I had a very difficult conversation with my sister last evening. Well, I say conversation; she spoke and I was rendered speechless. I just couldn't find the words to either comfort her or explain again, why I am still am not prepared to consider a feeding tube. She says that my family have pretty much gotten their heads around the fact that I am about to die. They have planned my funeral and are making plans as to how my children will be raised and so forth. I am not sure if I should have been angry with any of them but I felt sorry for them all. For once there was no anger in her voice, no bitterness or resentment, just heartache and fear and desperation. This should have been my "Aha" moment shouldn't it? The moment that I heaved a sigh and said, "OK, just for you, I will have the tube fitted". But there was none of that because in my soul, it feels like a step backwards.
So much of what I have been through has been down to the Powers that Be, I have just had to deal with the the cards that were dealt me. My one and only choice now is whether to have further intervention, if I give that up, it feels as though my constant fighting (mentally and physically) will have been for nothing. I still need my say in all this.