free your spirit
Well after all my worrying about the appts. and about had I lost enough, had lost 17lbs which is more than enough for what they wanted so I and they were well pleased.
Also got my appt with my surgeon which is on the 27th Oct, just six weeks away, so am over the moon about that.
Also am now on a wonderful maintenance diet where I can eat........... yeehaw.......and it has lots of lovely things to choose from and snacks as well as fruit, but still have to have some milk, however I am allowed to drink the one per cent milk instead of the semi which I am mega pleased about.
So all in all was nervous and happy all in the same minutes.
Dietician said I should have my op around the first week in Dec. Result!!!!!
Then there was the gynae appt...............not only the consultant, but also a medic and a medical student.............what with that and the nurse, felt like I had sold tickets for all and sundry to look up my bazooka lol,

Hoping its nothing that cant be treated with tabs, and please God not hydrocortisone, which would blow me up like a balloon...............no dont want that.
So lots of positive thoughts ladies that my hormone imbalances are easily put to rights.
so as Snow said a busy day.................
Thanks to everyone who dropped by to leave me good wishes they were so appreciated.:heartpump:
Jay xx