New Member
Well, here I am 9 days post band and the it looks like new beginnings all round! My son has started school this week & is in his element, he loves it! Then, on maybe not so much of a happier note, I had a call from work to go to London for an announcement. Yep, the retail world ain't a happy place at the mo & I am currently under consultation for redundancy! There is still a chance I could keep my job. 10 current jobs are going down to 6 :cry:.
I can't believe how relaxed I am about this? I think what will be will be, but after this op, I am already feeling more confident about myself. Maybe looking for a job won't be as hard as it could have been pre op? It just feels strange, like the timing is good (if there is such a thing as good timing for this kind of news?). Anyway, there is still hope that I am 1 of the lucky 6, but I am feeling positive about the future, whatever the outcome!
So far, I am loving my band. Following post op diet well. Quite confused when you see what other hospitals recommend. My first 2 weeks is sloppy, yet others are liquid. I have been cautious tho & kept to runny soups. Have also had some liquidised mince in light dolmio with liquidised veg. All good. Have recovered pretty well. Had the worst pain yesterday under my left rib & really thought I had done some damage. Anyway, passed some wind last night & it disappeared!
. Can't believe that pain was wind! Get my staples out tomorrow & don't know what to expect! Best of all, get weighed on Sat (keeping it to once a week). Anyway lovelies, speak to you all soon xxxxxxx
I can't believe how relaxed I am about this? I think what will be will be, but after this op, I am already feeling more confident about myself. Maybe looking for a job won't be as hard as it could have been pre op? It just feels strange, like the timing is good (if there is such a thing as good timing for this kind of news?). Anyway, there is still hope that I am 1 of the lucky 6, but I am feeling positive about the future, whatever the outcome!
So far, I am loving my band. Following post op diet well. Quite confused when you see what other hospitals recommend. My first 2 weeks is sloppy, yet others are liquid. I have been cautious tho & kept to runny soups. Have also had some liquidised mince in light dolmio with liquidised veg. All good. Have recovered pretty well. Had the worst pain yesterday under my left rib & really thought I had done some damage. Anyway, passed some wind last night & it disappeared!