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Newbie here!

Good luck with your weigh in this morning! We're going to an exhibition this evening and were going. To eat out afterwards but I've convinced my husband we'll just eat in before we go.
I agree, I've spent most of my adult life bearing myself up about bad eating habits and my binge eating and I really hope I can move away from having to do that.
2 weeks tomorrow is the day for me, that will come around pretty quickly!! Now I just have to look for a nice thermos so I can take my beloved milk out and about with me for days out and it not turn to cheese!! x
Morning Laura. I have been on the scales and I am as mad as my ar@e, I weigh in at 13st 11lb, which I appreciate on the face of it is not that bad. But I just checked back with my weighing in and on 31st Jan 2014 my weight was 12st 11lb. We did have a week away but in 4 months I have put on a stone. That would probably equate to 2 stone a year minimum, with me working up keep it in check! Plus as we know losing and putting on then losing again is not a healthy way to live.
It's just ridiculous how we treat ourselves, why can't we care as much about ourselves as others do?
Anyway... Exhibition sounds fabulous, what sort is it?
So, here I go... Definitely Day 1 of my pre pre op diet! I did quite well yesterday till I remembered there was half a tube of Pringles in the cupboard! They are gone now- no surprise- so it's onwards and downwards I go!
More sunshine today, which is never a bad thing.
Well done for getting on the scales, the number might seem awful to you but I am trying to see it as a starting point which I will never get back to again.
I too have gained massive amounts of weight this year, I originally decided to have the op at the end of March and with some unexpected delays along the way I never thought I'd be waiting 3 months and just ate solid for that whole time. Partly through the stress of it all but partly through the 'bucket list' mentality.
I'm feeling good about the pre pre-op diet now! If like to lose a couple of pounds this week before I start with my milk!
I live in farnborough and work on the airport. There's a lot of old aeronautical buildings including an old wind tunnel used in the manufacturing of aircraft. They are lovely listed buildings (if you're into that kind of thing) and for a few weeks only they are opening them to the public as an exhibition and I can't wait to get in there and look around! We will eat beforehand though so I won't spend the whole time thinking about what I can eat at the pub afterwards! x
Hi Laura. The exhibition sounds right up my husbands street, he is ex Army and is a bit of a military buff, he would be in his element. I have met a friend for a coffee today and ended up having a bit of carrot cake, I could have kicked myself, plus I have felt sick all afternoon. How have you got on?
I have started dropping the idea of me starting a diet on 1st July into conversations, I am linking it in with the wedding, the number of people who say " no point starting now"!
We are getting nearer Laura, this time in 2 weeks will be your Operation Eve for you! And I will be within hours of my Operation Eve. It's really getting nearer now!
Enjoy your evening!
Good morning! The exhibition was a little bizarre but fantastic to see anyway. The worst bit was having to squeeze between these massive concrete vents to get to the wind tunnel itself, it was touch and go if me and my big belly were going to make it!!! It also involved being given some popping candy and popcorn to test the acoustics of one of the rooms which I polished off but other than that I had a really good day 1 of pre pre op. We ate dinner before we went and avoided the pub which is a step in the right direction.
I have to admit I'm a daily weigher which I know isn't ideal but when I'm being good it gives me a boost. The scales were showing a 2lb loss today so I'm feeling good.
Here's to another good day! x
Hi Laura. Glad you enjoyed your exhibition it's always nice to do stuff in the week, other than work I mean. What do you do at the airport? I was hoping for a sunny Friday but it's very cloudy here, very warm but very cloudy. I have had an early finish as I seem to be developing a cold. I started my liquid multi vits today. How are you feeling today? It's getting much closer, are you worried about the procedure? I am worried it won't work but not the procedure. I was in a meeting this morning and they got talking about gastric bands, they were saying how you have to be obese to get one and they are not very successful anyway. I just sat there smiling thinking of all the reading up I have done but daren't say anything!
Hope you have some sunshine!
Only 1 more Friday without a band for you.
What an awful nights sleep! We had a glorious day here yesterday but the craziest storm overnight culminating in one of the car alarms going off at 4.20am! I naturally ignored it and assumed it was someone else but my husband leapt into action and unfortunately once I'm awake, I'm awake!
My job is the relationship manager for an aviation training company. We have full flight business jet simulators and teach all the pilots how to fly them. It's a good job, I work with some good people but I have to wear a uniform not dissimilar to an air hostess and I don't feel confident in it at the moment at all.
I too have had worries about will it work for me, will I lose any weight with it, will I hate the restriction and the choice being taken out of my hands etc etc but I think that's normal. I've seen some awful posts on here, people who regret it or don't get on with it. I don't regret reading them as you have to know what you might expect but at the same time everyone is different and some of the problems and issues can all be avoided if you follow the basics.
I also found a great thread on here with some before and after pics, which then have me a great boost. The majority there said it wasn't easy but they loved it and wouldn't change it for the world. It made me feel much better after reading some not so positive posts.
So less than 2 weeks for me now, and 2 weeks today for you! I went and bought some veg last night and some 250ml Tupperware pots to make up a batch of veg soup and stuff like that. I'll make it before the milk diet and freeze it so it's all ready for when I'm finished with the op.
I've kind of read conflicting reports though about what to have afterwards. My provider recommend things like porridge, fruit juice, soup and puréed veg for the first week. But I've also seen mention of a 'liquid diet' which isn't exactly what I'd call mashed veg. What have you been told to have straight after the op? X
Morning Laura. Your nights lack of sleep sounds frustrating, I am not a very good sleeper, I tend to have at least an hour laid awake most nights, I try to listen for the birds rather than get annoyed at myself and I find that works.
Just think how good you will look in that uniform, I am now studying women when I am out and about thinking do I want to look like them, I think we need to use whatever motivation we can!
I have had a good look in my book and that says 1-2 weeks post op just have fluids, it says this will ensure optimum healing and hence allow maximum benefit from your surgical procedure!!!
I have also read on some posts that you should aim to have 60gm of protein a day, so my plan is some yogurt drinks, homemade veg soup with added Philadelphia, some Greek yogurt watered down with milk and then milk! At this point that sounds do'able!
I also stumbled in my book something that said no alcohol for 2 weeks before your procedure--- agggggghhhhh!
I am now planning my final bottle of Cava for this evening, then I only have a Chinese on my bucket list, that's next Saturdays treat. Then Laura it's weight loss or bust!
I also read in my 'book' that to reduce bruising it's good to take Arnica 30 tablets from 3 days before the procedure. So I now how liquid vitamins, chewable windeezzee and need to get some Arnica tabs! My husband is looking forward to me not eating to save some money cos it's costing loads at the minute! I have not mentioned I will need loads of new clothes, that can be a surprise!!!
I also started with a cold and sore throat yesterday, I will be putting loads of effort into shifting it, believe you me!
The sun is just starting to shine here and I am off wedding dress shopping with my daughter, I am going to not buy my mother of the bride outfit till the very last minute, I want to give myself the best chance I can!
Have a smashing Saturday.
Thanks Denise, I amended my vegetable mash to be vegetable soup. My 250ml tesco Tupperware type pots were great. I've made up a whole batch of smoothies and veg soup and put them in the freezer. I think I'll invest in some of those weetabix shakes too, people at work are all raving about those at the moment.
I had an ok day yesterday. I tried not to snack between meals but fell back into my old habits of having a double helping of lunch. My husband is on nights this weekend which means he sleeps all day and works all night. It's usually then that I eat all day and eat all night! So after my extra lunch I was determined not to have a bad evening and decided to speed clean the house until the football came on. I swear it's better exercise than jogging and it takes a while so stops me eating. I didn't have one this after dinner, that's quite rare for me.
This morning I took the dog round the lake early and let him off his lead so we could both up the tempo a bit, it was fine until he rolled in something brown and sticky. Then I just couldn't wait to get him home and plonk him in the shower!
So today I'm going to try and keep busy, spread out my jobs and stop snacking. I still can't get my head around the fact I'll be starting the milk diet in 3 days. I'm scared I'm going to be hungry and feel horrible. We've got a busy weekend with friends and family next weekend so I need to feel good!
Not long now! Have a great day x
you will feel bad for the first 4 or 5 days on milk diet with really bad headaches and hunger after that its easy you really dont feel the hunger and the heads clear
Thanks princess! I've done VLCDs before but with that you only feel bad until you're in ketosis which is usually only a couple of days for me. I'm guessing with the amount of carbs in 4pts of milk I won't be in ketosis so I'll just have to ride it out!
I only have to do it for one week but I've opted to do it for 9 days just so I've had a few days to ease into it before I have to face the in laws and a friends little boys 6th birthday party. Wish me luck! x
Ok so I stayed the same over the weekend. That's not bad for me considering I was on my own the whole time, it usually would have been much worse.
So now I only have 2 days left before starting on the milk. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared, I'm worried I'll be so hungry I'll be miserable. But I'll survive, it'll be a good start on the road to teaching me food doesn't control my life.
I'll carry on taking it easy for the next two days and hopefully I'll be ready. As ready as I can be! x
Morning Laura. Good news weight wise for you and I bet your house is spotless, always a nice gratifying feeling. I wonder why we are so worried about feeling hungry ? As things stand at the minute if we are hungry we can eat something where as after our procedure we will be far more limited stomach wise, I wonder if we are just thinking if something to worry about rather than think of the surgery. I read yesterday that they fasten your legs and arms down in the operating room and that is playing on my mind at the moment! But like you say it's just what we need to do.
We are getting closer and closer Laura, I only have 1 more Saturday without my new best friend, and I am planning a Chinese, we were discussing last night if I will still be able to eat duck? There will be loads of things that we don't know if we can eat , how exciting is that? I am so looking forward to introducing foods, how daft is that?
I've had a general anaesthetic before and I know I don't really care what they do once I'm out, they can strap me down with cling film for all I care haha! The bit I do hate is when they start tapping your hand to find a vein ready to give you the anaesthetic. I don't know why, I think it's related to my hating of blood tests. Once they start that tapping I feel sick and usually want to cry. I'll try and be brave though and hopefully they'll find it quick to put me out ASAP!!
I think the reason I worry about being hungry is that is what makes it so hard for me to stick to a diet. I eat sometimes when I'm not hungry so it's awful when I actually am!
I think it's all a big learning curve and it all feels exciting is someway. It's all part of being on the journey.
This site let me upload an avatar now (thanks for that) so I'm obviously trustworthy. I want to upload an album of pics when I can to show me at my best and my worst. I avoid my biggest photos like the plague but I have to face up to them and use them as inspiration of what I never want to look like again x
It won't be long Laura till worrying about feeling hungry is a thing of the past! I am looking forward to the day that I recognise feeling hungry and deal with it appropriately because I certainly don't at the minute. It's like feeling full, another sensation I manage to ignore. What a bloody parlarva being overweight is.
We are really on the count down now though!
I have added an avatar too, not got plans for big photos of me, although I have already made plans to have some pics taken on the Friday night before my procedure on the Saturday. I am just aiming for just before photos, no point beating myself up!
I have had a few general anaesthetics and I am always sick after, I mentioned it at my initial consultation and they said they would give me loads of anti sickness, which should be nice! I notice a lot of people mention being emotional, I wonder if I will get that? I am actually looking forward to giving my poor relationship with food up! I appreciate it's sad when a relationship ends but I feel it really is time!
Yes it'll be the end of an era! Laura and food have been happy together for years, but have also been miserable together for years!!
The surgeon was saying that many people who have over eaten for years finally start to appreciate food. I guess that's hard to get my head round. I like food a lot but I'm not sure I appreciate it. Ever since I left home, got my own money and a car nothing has been out of my reach. If I want fast food, I go get it. If I fancy something bad for dinner I go get it.
I'm hoping that with restriction, and with going without for so long I can really appreciate what I can have. I did lighter life briefly years ago, I only managed 2 weeks, but I remember I would have given anything for a nice crisp chicken salad.
Anyway, it's milk-2 days. I'm planning out my milk menu. I'm thinking a pint at each meal time then a third in between each meal. Yum yum! x
Think mine would say
After lots and lots of attempts to get to grips with each other Denise and Food have decided it is best for her emotional health that they separate. Food has treated her appallingly, it's always made its self available at the wrong time, it's let her down time and time again and she is fed up if having to be at its beck and call. Denise feels that the time has come for her to take control of food for once and for all. She will be giving it up in the short term, then making a start with your fluid friends then if things go according to plan she will have you back- but it will be on her terms!
I don't know about you Laura bit I can't remember the last time I really tasted anything, it's generally more about getting it inside me!
Anyway. It's our way from now on.
I am going to have myself, my band and food as friends, we will all work together.
Laura I have tried adding you as a friend on here but don't think I have done enough to have a private friend yet! Maybe one day ?!?
Hi Ellzee :) sorry didn't catch your post sooner lol just wanted to welcome you to the site and say your certainly in the best place for support, advise and friendship :) Just want to add well done hun you certainly sound like your in the right head space for this mammoth journey lol x x x all the very best
Also Teddy, welcome too hunni, not sure how i missed you both lol not long now for both of you, its great to see such positivity x x xx wishing you all the very best
Hi Crystal, you are doing fabulously, i am very envious! I can only hope i do as well, thanks for the welcome, better late than never.
Teddy hunni if i can do it anyone can :) only 19 weeks out and 5 stone down (including pre op diet) and that's without a fill...... very much mind over matter hunni, the band takes determination, desire and strength :) x x x bless ya hun you've come to a fab site i wish you all the best and your hearts desire x x x