New Member
Very true BFB! Laughing at so many fishy jokes has made me forget now horrible my meal was so "TANKS" so much!!! (sorry, couldn't resist that)!!
Well done on your LSD diet. That's a great result. This is only the beginning of your great weight loss. Your 2 weeks will go by so quickly. Mine was a blur now. Try and get everything done beforehand. I didn't have a proper diet sheet before my Op, so I only stocked up on cuppa soup. It's only when I got home that I realised I needed so much more such as juices, protein shakes, multivitamins etc etc.
I wasn't given a pre op diet but your 11lbs is a fantastic result!!! I've lost 1 and a half stone in 3 weeks so I'm grateful for that!
Keep up the good work and keep us posted!!! Don't worry about the surgery. It will be over before you know it!!!
Haha Rinata, tanks! Nice one
Thank you, I'm really pleased with my loss. I am trying to get organised, got loads of to-do lists but I've got next week off so I'll get everything done then!!
Hope you're having a good week.