Well-Known Member
The body is a fascinating thing isnt it?? So frustrating at times too. Still - 1.5lb off is 1.5lb you'll never see again! Not long til ur out of the puree stage too!
I'd love to join the sunday club! Sm Xx
Hi Rinata, 1.5 is very good. I have put on weight, which is normal at this stage - you know me, rebel. Am eating everything now, albeit much smaller portions. What happens is that, body, panicked about our low calorie intake and went into starvation mode, which is when it starts conserving energy and storing everything in case of further starvation. Now that I am eating normal (still around 1200-1300 calories max), it will (it better!) will relax and start using the calories realising starvation danger is over. I am hoping for steady 1,5-2 pounds a week loss from now on until I hit my target. On the plus side, got more energy, no longer feel dizzy all the time. It will be great when you move onto soft foods next week, hang on there girl.
Yes I am a rebel without a carrot! Affair, easy girl... he he. I think it put on 2 pounds, and I really think it is to do with body adjusting after starvation mode. I have not had much carb - apart from some crackers one day. Have had nuts...yes true. I may have gone over 1200calories for a.few days. Was having full cheese when I ran out of diet stuff. I am now back on lean protein, mainly and firstly, diet. Oh also I could not drink as much water. I think all these contributed to gain. Luckily do not have sweet tooth so did not touch chocolate- even Atkins choc bar was a struggle, could only have a few bites. Was too sweet and needed coffee with it.... it has 19grams of protein, keep in mind for soft food stage - does go soggy when chewed.
Hi ladies Hope you all had a good Easter! I enjoyed my imaginary chocolate cream egg shake!!Richard Gere sends his regards!! Have a good week
Good to hear from you again. Clearly you've been busy with Richard Gere and creme eggs. (Hopefully not together as that just gets very messy)!! Hope you haven't been telling him any of your fishy jokes!!
How's your week been and how you getting on chick? (Pardon the Easter pun)!! Lol
Well BFB, I'm going to have to be EGGstra careful what I say to you from now on. No more YOLKS about Easter or fish now!!
Glad you're doing really well. George Clooney says hi and said that Richard Gere is a "Hasbeen". ;-).
Congrats on the weight loss. I'm due to have my surgery in May!!!
Haha brilliant. I like this pun game! What??! Has been?! No, he's a legend! Haha.Hope you're having a good week. Nice that the sun's been out. We've timed these ops quite well haven't we?