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NHS Funding for Surgery - Where To Start?

I think when I was looking for mine I was looking for the policy/guidelines on low clinical priority procedures, and it was in there along with lots of other operations.

Aha. Now then, on the basis that I rock, I have found this ;)

Stable BMI between 18 and 27 Kg/m
> 2 yrs
Experiencing severe difficulties with daily living
Those with scarring following trauma or previous
abdominal surgery.
Those who are undergoing treatment for morbid
obesity and have excessive abdominal skin folds.
Problems associated with poorly fitting stoma
Where it is required as part of abdominal hernia

http://www.surreyhealth.nhs.uk/doc.aspx?id_Resource=643 Page 17.
You do indeed rock!! You are a star! :worthy:

Thankyou so much for that. I have saved it and had a skim thru it. Hopefully I might get a TT IF! I manage to lose all my weight as I already have a really bad "apron" from having 4 children and 2 major abdominal surgeries - 1 when I was 16 weeks pg for a ruptured appendix and tumour and the 2nd for a section after which have all totally destroyed my muscles :(

Thanks again Xxxx
No probs, any time ;)
Good Info

Hi there..
Firstly can I just say how good you look with your weight loss and "well done".I have only just joined up the forum "yesterday" and are reading some good articles and messages.I have just been told by my NHS consultant I qualify for by-pass surgery but will have to wait 12 months or so due to all the heavy demand on the service.My problem now is do I wait and put my life on hold OR find the ££ which for mostly everyone is the tough bit...You obviously have had surgery and has life improved for you??

Hi Mark,

Not sure if you're talking to me or one of the others, but I'll answer any way :D

Life has improved sooooo much for me it's unbelievable. Not just because I'm slimmer, but also the health and emotional benefits have been astounding. My health has improved no end, and I have so much more confidence and self esteem now. My marriage is more solid, and I am less needy and clingy. I can honestly say the surgery is the best thing I have ever done. It took me just over 9 months to reach goal, and I'm now maintaining (good fun, get to eat more cr@p :))

12 months isn't too long to wait, mine was about 20 months from when I first saw my GP.
Hi Mark,

Not sure if you're talking to me or one of the others, but I'll answer any way :D

Life has improved sooooo much for me it's unbelievable. Not just because I'm slimmer, but also the health and emotional benefits have been astounding. My health has improved no end, and I have so much more confidence and self esteem now. My marriage is more solid, and I am less needy and clingy. I can honestly say the surgery is the best thing I have ever done. It took me just over 9 months to reach goal, and I'm now maintaining (good fun, get to eat more cr@p :))

12 months isn't too long to wait, mine was about 20 months from when I first saw my GP.
Hi I wandered if I am doing something wrong as when I post anything on this site nobody replys Please could you inform me if i am doing something wrong. Gail-michelle.:wave_cry:
Hi Gail-Michelle,

You're not doing anything wrong. You will find you get a better response if you start a new thread and introduce yourself and ask any questions you had. You can do that by clicking the blue NEW THREAD button at the bottom and top of every page.
Hi I wandered if I am doing something wrong as when I post anything on this site nobody replys Please could you inform me if i am doing something wrong. Gail-michelle.:wave_cry:

Hi Gail,

Your not doing anything wrong as Chell said. Certain times of the day there are a lot more people around than others.

I've posted early in the morning and my post has been missed as there are not many around. I know I have skipped post if I feel unable to answer and hope someone with more experience will be a round to answer.
I have had approval from my PCT for funding but have now been referred to an Edocronologist. What is this next step? What will he be looking for?
I've not long moved into a new area and from looking at the links before my PCT guidelines are BMI over 50 or 45 – 50 with severe comorbidities. What is comorbidities?

Where do I start? Do I need to go to the GP and ask for different tablets or just ask what he can do to help me? I was thinking about going to my GP about getting a band. My BMI is 40.5, I have diet controlled diabetes (I don't know if this counts) Now I think they'd just laugh at me for not being big enough!

My mum has sleep apnea, my aunt, nan and uncle are insulin dependent diabetics. We have a high rate of heart disease.

I am constantly exhausted and wake up just as tired as when I went to sleep. The fact that I wake up alot during the night doesn't help. I'm just getting bigger and bigger. My last Dr tried my with Orlistat (sp?) but no matter how "good" I was I still had major side effects from them so I stopped taking them.

I just don't know what to do now. I need help but don't know where to start.
Hi Bella,

Co-morbidities are basically any illnesses that are made worse by obesity and could lead to an earlier death. Diabetes counts.

The best place to start is with your GP. They will be able to check the current criteria in your area and tell you more about the process and the likelihood for you to get funding. They may not know all the info straight away unless they've referred a previous patient but they can get the info from the PCT.

Welcome to mini's :)

Thank you for that, I will make an appointment for my GP to discuss it all and see if he can offer me some support and or a referal for anything before going down the fight for the GB.

thanks for taking the time to post though.
Hey Bella, I recently went to my GP and just said that I was at the end of my tether. It was starting to depress me and I was taking one step forward and eight steps back. She said that she would refer me there and then and I have my first apointment 3rd July to look into banding. Don't give up you just have to fight your corner.
I'm new to this website so be gentle!!! I am currently looking into getting a gastric band but not sure how long it takes etc. I live in Brent PCT and it doesn't have the guidelines on the BOSPA website.............does anyone know how to get this info? I went to see my GP tonight who is going to refer me to whoever he needs to about a gastric band. He also gave me Orlistat to try. My BMI is currently 40.7. If I lose a bit of weight and go under 40 will I affect my chances of getting the op??

Does anyone else live in the Brent PCT and if so, how long did everything take?? I am obviously keen to get everything moving!!! Also, what are the typical steps to getting a band.....i.e. GP appointment then......, or does it vary depending on the PCT/doctor/surgeon??

Thanks in advance!!!
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Hi there, this is how it worked for me. My G.P reffered me to the hospital, then you realy must stress the truth about your eating habits (in other words no porky`s) if you are allegable for nhs w.l.s he will then write to your G.P to apply for funding from your P.C.T area of what town you live in. then that gets passed onto the surgeon you then get an appointment for your pre-assesment you then sit pretty for your time to come and hey presto!!! (breath, gasp, gasp for more air) or something very similar anyway this is what happened to me but each areas P.C.T is different ect.:welcome: From Gail-Michelle
Thanks! I will bear all this in mind!