New Member
Hello all im new here. Im also in the same position as some of you. I was attending Dr Ramtoolas weight management clinic at Salford Royal for just over 6 months and 2 days ago she advised me she is applying for funding to get gastric bypass or Sleeve. as my BMI was 46.5 Does it take long in manchester/ Salford to get funding? Ive already done a sleep test, heart test, blood tests etc when i started at this clinic will i have to go through them all again? Im a terrible worrier and just hope it doesnt take too long. She didnt tell me much but to be honest i was so exstatic that she said this to me i cant remember half of what she said apart from go onto BOSPA website and go to group meetings. I was so excited i forgot to check out where and when the next meeting at Salford was could you let me know as i really would like to come and bring my husband with me who wants to find out a bit more. Its nice to see im not the only one in this predicament. Will look forward to meeting some of you at the next meeting.