The whole point of this forum, surely, is to give advice, support and bounce stuff off each other, without long termers posting we will only get short term knowledge and that is only half the picture as the longer post op we get, the advice we may really need when complications arise will not be there. Sometimes we need to vent! sometimes this can be seen by some (the ones wearing rose tinted specs!) as negative, but I for one want to know the negatives as well as the positives, warts and all! any one going into WLS needs to know things can go wrong and be comforted (at least a little) that there will be someone on this site who may have experienced the same/similar and will be able to offer some useful advice. I really hope Emma-louise that they get to the bottom of what is causing you such grief, and I shall be reading your posts avidly (rants and all!). We need the long termers!!:rant2: