New Member
Aww Jo... We all understand it's an anxious time!... Maybe see if you can get some hypnotherapy to calm you or see a councillor, it would be such a shame to lose you slot/ funding. I had the mini gastric bypass 71/2 weeks ago n self funded. For me it was a fairly quick decision which I do not regret..... I felt like I was dying/ would die very soon if I did nothing. I've battled with the weight all my life (I'm 52) and one day just though , I carnt do this anymore!... Did my research ,Booked a date ,an airplane and was there 4 weeks later.... I didn't feel that nervous strangely! ... I truly felt the greater risk was to do nothing..... Your team would not operate if they felt you wouldn't be safe so trust their expertise.... The mini only takes 30-40 mins so your not under long at all.....I flew home 2 days later!... Good look with it all Hun, only you can decide what's right for you but don't allow fear to decide for you.