One more day for me too! So not ready despite my plans to be organised today. Oh well, still got tomorrow I guess!
Oops sent it before I'd finished! Anyway. Going bring out all my my will power for just one more day.
Sorry to hear you had a rough time through anesthesia . However well done you through to the other side. Keep drinking and doing those leg exercises. Speedy recovery Mrs xNo yo-ing back! Have decided that will be my diary thread when I start it. Here are a few words from me having been bypassed on Friday at 6pm! As you know the fabulous IMac and I had each other for company, she was 4 th on the list and I was the last man standing at no 5. Luckily our rooms were next door - fate! We had a few giggles before hand trying to lighten each other's mood. Mainly at my expense I may add as I put the gown on as a wrap dress rather than the obvious way! It didn't occur to me to put it on frontwards! Anyway I digress! A long wait but finally..... Down to theatre at 6.15pm and back on the ward for 10pm. Struggled with the effects of anaesthetic but my first words were "is it done?" And indeed it wasI didn't do particularly well post op just couldn't shake effects of anaesthetic and first night was rough to say the least ! Lovely kind nurse looked after me well - Florence (I kid u not). Unfortunately the day after I was still unable to tolerate any fluid so I wasn't able to go home despite iMac lifting my spirits and heading off on her merry way (looking great I may add) Home Sunday at 3pm feeling much better and defo feeling out the other side now so it's all good news. It's still very early days but after a shaky start I'm making good progress. Yes I still have some pain but it is bearable. Even when I felt like I had been run over thru the middle, being sick and my pelvic floor giving up all at the same time I haven't yet thought I made a mistake ! Lots of luck to this November group for everyone pre or post op. Ps managed 1 1/4 litres of fluid today. !
Aww look at you girl happy Jess bless ya little cotton socks! Lovely Rest now jess ok xall ready earlier lol
Maggi if theres any consultation I'm struggling too but Im sticking with it . Im really having to fight off the demons. Milk is one of my least fav things but i know in two weeks time HOPEFULLY everything will be over. Im just worried im nit shrinking this bloody alcoholic fatty liver lol . Best wishes hun i know your stronger than me come on we can do it kid! XGreat pic Jess! Glad you and Mrsg both came through it safe and sound. Sorry to hear you had a rough time tho mrsg I very nearly lost it with the LSD today. Soooo close to breaking it. Woke up a 5am desperate for chocolate and I knew where hubby and oldest had hidden it! But had yogurt. Rang hubby in the middle of the day to find someone to convince me to stay true. He suggested soup and actually worked. Even picked out the potatoes in the weight watchers chicken potato and leek soup! Am just paranoid about that fat liver lol. Now just one more day to go it will be esurely hope.
Jess did you??? Whats the 29 20 20 rule not saying im going to do it? Xxmaggy. last night I ate a ncds cheese burger. I folloed the 20 20 20 rule. I hadnt eaten for 2 days and needed it. how much longer have u gota do lsd? x
You will be ready hun just stay focussed and don't panic ut will be all over before you know it! XxOne more day for me too! So not ready despite my plans to be organised today. Oh well, still got tomorrow I guess!
Best wishes gweni xPreop starts for me tomorrow!