Hi all,
I had my sleeve on Friday 13th at Kings in London. So I am now 6 days out.
The good news:
I am sitting at home typing this with a cup of tea and a bottle of water next to me. I have protein shake every 2 hours and have even managed a small amount of watered down chicken soup. I am sleeping well, in a bed on my own, my husband has been trying to wait on me hand and foot bless him. Even the dog seems to understand not to jump on me. This is the first day that I am fully dressed with a bra on !!
I am on normal paracetamol for the pain, which is very bearable and I am now forgetting to take them.
The Not So Good:
My tummy is very bruised and it is still uncomfortable to have a car journey to the gp. It still hurts to cough and sneeze. I get very tired very quickly, you must remember to rest up as much as you can. My body is getting back to normal now, I am going to number 2 every other day ~ hot tip, orange juice ice lollies yum !!
The Bad:
Dont be fooled, this is a surgery under anesthetic - it does hurt.
Post op was not fun at all, I was vomiting and in a lot of pain, I asked to stay in for an extra night (2) as I was 70 miles away from home, don't get discharged if you do not feel well enough. It felt like I had done 6000 sit ups and then beaten with a baseball bat on the torso !! BUT that goes away quite quickly with the iv pain relief.
Do I regret doing it ? ABSOLUTELY NOT
So look forward not back and believe me it is bloody worth it.
Good luck