hi guys, its official.. i have all my money changed into euro to pay for my operation. seeing all that money i thought to myself, i really hope its all worth while. i am sure its normal to get nervous and scared and excited. but seeing all them euro put into a bag, i thought... what a shopping spree i could have.. but hey, i know its all for the best. I havent been happy for quite a long long time about my weight. this is going to be a new positive ME (plz keep reminding me of this throughout my journey). i must admit its alot of money i am spending on the operation that could be put to other use! but i feel i am entitled to it, i dont want to end up any bigger than i am, i am on border line with diabetes, so i know i am doing this for all the right reasons. i want to be an energetic mother. when i was slimmer i was always alot happier. wow, its just a couple of days now! i am so scared, yet excited. the new me! i will only have a few more posts then i will be a "bandit". 
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