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Ok group vote

I wouldnt take the risk.. i know ur starting ur liver shrinking diet but why put ur liver in a worse state before starting it?
Normally when I was dieting over the years I had the big "last supper" or the last few drinks. Before my op in January I didnt - not sure why I didnt feel the need but I didnt. Your life is going to change massively after ur op - why not start it a bit earlier and give ur liver the best chance of shrinking enough b4 ur op.
I am having my op 2 days after you but am also starting my liver shrinkage diet on the 1st - it seems to be the right date to do it.

During the week I usually spend 2-3 days at my sister's house and that includes eating with them and partaking of a few drinks along the way in the evenings - nothing too excessive just a bottle of wine/bubbly between 3 of us or a couple of beers each.

I have been thinking about this matter and whether I will drink this week or not so have decided that, if I'm offered a drink, then I will accept but I will not go out of my way to help myself!!

Good luck with whatever you decide to do tonight - remember, it's going to be a long time before you can have another one so a couple tonight will be a fond farewell!!

I'm not sure whether accepting the views of the forum is really how you should judge.....You know what state your liver and body is in right now not us....

I personally started my pre op diet a couple of days early as do a lot of people and I had been reducing my alcohol intake, making better food choices etc for several weeks before that....

Don't get me wrong I'm certainly no saint and if having a few bevvies tonight is really what you fancy then go for it and enjoy....just remember you can change your life for the better with this tool....its not a life sentance, everything will be available after, just less of it and more often than not, it'll taste better because you you choose less so choose better:)
I rarely drink, but it was my birthday 2 days before I went on my pre op diet. One of the kids bought me a bottle of baileys. (They didn't know I was having the op) so I drank the whole bottle and enjoyed every last sip.
I hope you're out on the razz tonight getting battered. Ypur op isn't for almost 3 weeks!!
for me it would be a NO... I know myself, one leads to another and another.. and have I worked so hard to loose a couple of lbs just to loose it for one moment of pleasure? Hmm I suppose that this question can be debated over and over, but personally for me, I would not do ANYTHING to jeopardise my chances. I am still waiting for consultants appointment so am at a different place to you. I have had a really tough year loosing the required weight.

But as I said it has to be a personal choice. Maybe when I am at the same stage as you I would do something different to what I say now..

Either way .. GOOD LUCK...
you could always drink a non alcoholic beer
Yes! If you've started being really good earlier than expected then go for it as long as you dont let a few bevvies turn into a full weekend of bevvies ;)

I did have a couple but that was it I stopped there and still ate healthly before and after so hopefully no damage done
So basically I'm on day 4 of pre op diet and befor I stared that I went on a strict healthy eating campaign for a week and a half befor that so I'm feeling preety positive my surgical team should be pleased with me
Well done!!

Seems like your head is in the right place :) Glad the pre op is going well :)
Well done...you seem to have taken the sensible middle line...aftyer all none of us want to follow a path that will lead to boredom and complete restriction...WE WANT TO LIVE!!