It's now exactly ONE YEAR since I had Gastric Sleeve Surgery, aka a "Sleeve Gastrectomy", back on April 1st 2011!
One year later, I have lost a TOTAL of:
109.4 lbs / 48.7 kgs / 8 Stone
My BMI (body mass index) has gone from 51.4 - 37.2
I've gone from a 54" waist to a 46" waist, and a 5XL shirt to a 2XL shirt.
I'm STILL losing too, so the journey doesn't end here, I'll still be making updates!
Thank you so much for all of your support so far, you're all wonderful! :553:
One year later, I have lost a TOTAL of:
109.4 lbs / 48.7 kgs / 8 Stone
My BMI (body mass index) has gone from 51.4 - 37.2
I've gone from a 54" waist to a 46" waist, and a 5XL shirt to a 2XL shirt.
I'm STILL losing too, so the journey doesn't end here, I'll still be making updates!

Thank you so much for all of your support so far, you're all wonderful! :553: