Well, I survived another week in Dublin. The last 2 days we went on a company jolly to Galway and I had zero control over my food. On Thursday we had lunch provided by the hotel where we had full day meetings, and it was soup and sandwiches. The soup was really creamy and I saw some oil on there, so I just dipped my spoon in and felt it was probably a bad idea to continue so I had to face sandwiches!
I love sandwiches.
My family in fact call me Sandwich Girl because of my love for them.
But after having had bad experiences in the past with even toasted Nimble bread I have steered clear of bread, so I was nervous... but these were white bread and I had two quarters of sarnies - I had to eat something. I left the crusts/most of the quarters so I didn't splurge but they were very delicious. I LOVE BREAD.
Then in the evening we all went for dinner and I skipped the starter and had grilled seabass as it was the healthiest choice. Except it came with some cream sauce so I managed to eat 3/4 of it (the bits without the sauce), then they brought out the roast potatoes... I had four. FOUR. (Littlest ones.) So in one day I ate white bread and roast potatoes. Oh and I'd ordered a pumpkin pie for dessert as I knew I wouldn't like it, and tasted a bit of the filling only, no pastry.
Karma then struck as I broke two nails (wedding in 4 weeks... nail extensions here I come).
On the Friday we had lunch at the site in Galway we were visiting. Again, sandwiches but this time with wraps, sarnies and hot chicken goujons and cooked cocktail sausages. I had a chicken goujon (delicious) and picked a little bit of chicken filling out of a wrap.
So I feel I survived the food situation quite well but ate very badly. Managed somehow to lose 5lbs though! Will update my sig with the November loss when we move into December (tomorrow - how has December come upon us so quickly!).
We did have to have a site tour which involved a high vis jacket (too small) and also a lab coat. They only had L which almost fit... I couldn't zip it over my hips so had to old it closed. I was the only one who couldn't do it up which was a reminder that I still have a long way to go on my weight loss journey, but I just have to remember that it would have been worse if I had done the tour last year when I was bigger.
5 months out now and enjoying being smaller but the wobbles are terrible. Once I move next year and have sold my house I'll have enough money for the plastic surgery so I just need to keep on at this (no chicken goujons!) as I won't want to have the surgery until Project Oodles is complete.
And one of my calves has not shrunk at all. So I look a bit deformed. I hope I haven't got one of those big things that just hang off you (I can't remember the name, begins with L). Just have to hope it corrects itself in time!!
But I found myself this week potentially being in a place where I might want to start dating in the future at one point. I felt that urge to have someone to cuddle up to, which I haven't felt in 4 years. I know I won't have the confidence to go on a date until after the surgery and after the scars have healed (if even then) but it's another sign that perhaps I'm becoming more of a rounded person. And that the exile I've put myself into for all these years might be coming to an end. It's kind of a nice feeling but also quite sad to know I won't be able to do anything about it for like 2 years or longer. Every time I look in the mirror without clothes on all I see is skin and it's horrible! But it doesn't get me down. Because no-one needs to know. And in a few years when I'm finished I will look amazing
My favourite things this week:
- seatbelt on coach doing up and having room
- seatbelt in my dad's old car going round me with inches to spare (in April this year the seatbelt would not close)
- considering booking a weekend in Europe next year because I feel I might be able to fit in a plane now without a seat extender!
- realising my clavicle is visible at all times now
- thinking I'm sleeping on something hard but it was actually my hip bone poking out onto the bed
- wearing a watch for the first time in 12 years and it looking comfortably loose
- buying a beautiful ring because perhaps my hands are no longer too ugly for jewellery (although since breaking my nails they are again hideous)
Now on the countdown to Christmas, I'm slightly concerned about the Christmas dinner but hey at least I know I can eat roast potatoes now

otherwise i'll just roll myself in sparkles and enjoy the build up!!