Why do I only lose weight at my parents' house?! I lose zero weight when I'm doing my normal routine. And I eat so much less when I'm not with my rents. I chug on tea all day and have a small protein-filled meal for dinner. Why isn't it shifting!
Perhaps I need to start eating more. But I never remember to bring food to work with me. It's so frustrating!
I'm freaking out also about my holidays. Although I've decided I'm probably going to be okay fitting in the plane seat, the ride situation is horrifying. I seem to be borderline on whether or not I'll actually be able to make the rides. I'm smaller now than when I went last time and apart from the Mummy incident I'm pretty sure I got on all the rides, but what if I don't fit this time? I will die. DIE of embarrassment.
Also my goal of a size 16 is out of the window as I have 7 weeks and although an 18 on top, still very much a 20 on the bottom. And because of my mahoosive thighs I'm convinced I'll get thrown off the rides. The overhead restraints won't come down far enough or the bar won't get low enough.
Apparently nowadays they have these test seats to test whether or not you will fit before you start to queue, which they didn't have last time I was there. And I read stories where as you queue you are pulled out by members of staff if you look like you won't fit, to test the seats first. Horrifying. I'm going to have to try every one aren't I.
Planes and rollercoasters are like the ultimate test for being a normal sized person. I hope I pass, or else I might as well be a size 32 as I'll still feel devastated. I wish it wasn't a concern. I'm sure no-one in my family will have this fear when they are walking round. To be one of those people who don't even need to think of these things!
Everyone at work is talking about my weight loss. I wish they wouldn't. It's old news surely? Plus I'm actually not losing owt right now lol. I'm just excited to be in a place eventually where no-one knows what I looked like

Oh and also - the official wedding photos came back and I see zero difference from what I looked like before. I still have the double chin, I'm still double the width of the bridesmaids... I thought I looked really slinky, but alas.
Well whatever happens weight wise in these next seven weeks, I have made an executive decision: I will eat whatever I want on that holiday. I've studied menus for every restaurant I could think of, and actually they are really great. Prawns, white fish, salad bars, amazing. It won't be too hard to find a main under 300 cals, even the burger place we'll go to will do lettuce instead of a bun. BUT if I want to try a dessert on my birthday, I will do. And I've already promised myself an onion roll tomato sandwich. It's this bap (white) with onions cooked into the bread, and we just have tomatoes sliced in it as a filling. It's absolutely delicious. I'm having one. It is happening