Hi folks. Thought I'd check in to tell you about my experience with POSE. I had the procedure ~ 1st jan 2013. I had read all the positive and negative comments about it on this site and others but decided to go for it anyway, simply because I felt desperate to do something and just hoped this might work.
Before I had the procedure I weighed 10st 8 pounds. I am 5 foot 4 inches, so was just in the 'overweight' category of bmi and would not be considered for other weight loss surgery or indeed for pose in the UK which is where I live. However, in new orleans they were happy to offer the surgery, so flew over on my own for it - didn't tell anyone, just went and did it.
Service over there was very good. Good doctors and nurses etc. Felt pretty rough for 3 or 4 days after surgery, struggling to get fluids (or eat), problems with acid reflux, dehydrated etc. They put me back in hospital for a night on a drip before I flew home.
Anyway, all symptoms eventually faded to my great relief a few days later. I had worried about the acid reflux sticking around but no, it went away, thank god.
The week or two after surgery I probably lost around 12 pounds which I was ecstatic about but hardly surprising given that I didn't eat at all.
As I started to feel better I started to eat more and more (soft foods as recommended, then harder foods) with the restriction just about noticeable, but definitely not as dramatic as I had hoped. Before surgery I was worried friends and family would notice me not being able to eat a meal with them and realize I had had surgery, but no chance!
It's now 8 months later. Restriction I think is still there a bit, but barely noticeable and really only kicks in when you eat larger meals. Every day at lunch I still order the same size meal as everyone else and eat it all. But, I don't ever feel like I have room for a desert aterwards. My problem was always snacking through the day constantly and on naughty things, so the pose is not gonna help with this really and certainly I have no sense that the pose has helped me cut down on chocolate bars, for example.
I gave up the 'pose diet' pretty early on just because, well..... I try to diet and fail, and have now reverted to my old ways of generally trying to diet, being good sometimes and bad sometimes. I feel now like the same type of dieter I was before the pose in terms of the effort I'm putting in, the exercise levels etc.
BUT...the long and short of it is, that I used to weigh 10 stone 8 pounds and I now weigh 9 stone 10 pounds. So ~ 12 pounds weight loss, about half what I wanted to lose. Am I pleased? I'm definitely happy to be nearly a stone lighter, for sure, but it's not the full weight loss I was hoping for. It has put me back into the healthy bracket bmi and also is enough for me to feel quite a lot better about myself.
Am I sure the pose has done it? No, but it seems that way. Would I recommend it? It's a lot of money. If you're eligible for other weight loss surgery, probably go for that for more guaranteed results, but if not...well depends how rich you are. If you can afford to give it a go and are desperate and prepared for it to not work that well, then who am I to say no when I feel like it has helped me a bit. Some weight loss is better than none, right! I reckon if you're not a constant snacker, like me, but someone who binges on large portions/eat large meals this may work pretty well.
I hope this is informative
Love H xx