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Post Op Diet Killing me and its only Day 1


New Member
Hi everyone. I am on a 7 day liver shrinking diet, as my surgery is due on the 28th. I have to say it is so hard, I am dizzy, I have headaches and I had to take sugar in my coffee as i thought I might pass out, seriously:sigh:. The diet is not the milk diet, but one that is very restrictive on carbs and no fats or sugar. Anyone else had this feeling ? I will have to be strict and keep to it from now on, but geee, I didnt expect it to be so tough. esp. having a raving sugar addiction and all:(
delacey said:
Hi everyone. I am on a 7 day liver shrinking diet, as my surgery is due on the 28th. I have to say it is so hard, I am dizzy, I have headaches and I had to take sugar in my coffee as i thought I might pass out, seriously:sigh:. The diet is not the milk diet, but one that is very restrictive on carbs and no fats or sugar. Anyone else had this feeling ? I will have to be strict and keep to it from now on, but geee, I didnt expect it to be so tough. esp. having a raving sugar addiction and all:(

It's tough,imagine having to do this for 4 weeks,like I had too x
It's for a good reason,and it's good practice for what's the come after the operation.
As your food intake will be hardly anything.
Take care and good luck
4 weeks, I'd be dead!!:confused: I think its the withdrawals from my sugar addiction thats causing the most pain. Hey ho. Onwards and upwards.:)
delacey said:
4 weeks, I'd be dead!!:confused: I think its the withdrawals from my sugar addiction thats causing the most pain. Hey ho. Onwards and upwards.:)

U will be fine,
Would you not be better having sweetner than real sugar?
That way you don't have to feel bad when you need some sugar in a drink x
Yes take sweetner but also remember by day4 ish your body turns a corner and it then is no where near as tough!! First few days are always the worst as your body thinks what the hell is going off!!
I found it soooo hard, still cant believe i did it. The sh!t we put ourselves through for the body beautiful a!!
Felt terrible for first week of preop diet. All your symptoms & more plus a monthly cycle to add to my woes. Rang dietician & she said it is common as body goes into kertosis (google it for explanation). Perfectly normal & will pass. Shows liver is shrinking.
She said that I must not miss out on my protein. I'm struggling with that. Still feel abut iffy but op on Saturday. Hope this give some reassurance. Good luck.
It's hard hun but try and stick with it .... Easier said than done I know but it'll be well worth it. I've just come off a 4 week milk diet and it's a killer! But I lost 2 stone and would do it all again... Well I'll have to do 2 weeks when I'm pre op liver shrinkage !!

Good luck Hun x

Are you drinking enough fluids, I am on the pr op milk diet and headaches are listed as a symptom of dehydration.

Good luck with, no choice but to get the job done really, drink more water when I went on the cambridge diet I had horrible headache so drank more water. And its true gets easier after day 4

Please remind me of this when I start mine, I will need all the help I can get ~ GOOD LUCK and stay focused on the bigger picture. We all need to change and this is the first step
Thanks for all the messages, they do encourage me. It is still hard today though. Headaches, dizziness and low energy, I think I will drink lots of water and just get on with it. I dont feel very friendly or energetic and my poor husband is keeping out of my way. Anyway, only 6 more days to go (sigh):)
Oh I feel really sorry for you , its just horrid ~ but keep your chin up and read some success storys. I am absolutly dreading the diet but we NEED to change forever ~ I am just sick and tired of being this weight and yo yo ing. Enough already ~ I am with you in spirit so keep going just get through today and tomorrow you might feel a bit brighter. I am going to tell you a funny story to distract you

My lovely little grandson is 3 and says just what he sees, we were in a tea room the other day and a rather buxom young waitress came over to clear the tables
As she bent over the table next to us to pick up the plates lovely little Louie shouted out FAT BUM BUM oh heck it was so funny, my daughter was mortified but the girl just laughed. He is too little to know what it means ~ he calls mummy fat bum bum and she is size 8. I am still chuckling
Oh I feel really sorry for you , its just horrid ~ but keep your chin up and read some success storys. I am absolutly dreading the diet but we NEED to change forever ~ I am just sick and tired of being this weight and yo yo ing. Enough already ~ I am with you in spirit so keep going just get through today and tomorrow you might feel a bit brighter. I am going to tell you a funny story to distract you

My lovely little grandson is 3 and says just what he sees, we were in a tea room the other day and a rather buxom young waitress came over to clear the tables
As she bent over the table next to us to pick up the plates lovely little Louie shouted out FAT BUM BUM oh heck it was so funny, my daughter was mortified but the girl just laughed. He is too little to know what it means ~ he calls mummy fat bum bum and she is size 8. I am still chuckling
kids can be so funny, my 8 year old daughter would of done the same as your grandson lol xxxx
Would you believe it, theyve cancelled the op for another month "due to unforeseen circumstances" devastated and furious at the same time. I rang up and they said its because a cancer patient has got the theatre slot. What can I say? bedgrudghe a cancer patient? But why dont they allow for that grrrrrrrrrr sorry so upset
Oh poor you. That's my fear too. Op scheduled for tomorrow. Have you got a new date at least? Don't forget to ask to be to considered for a cancellation. Good luck.
Aw sorry to hear that my first date got cancelled did two weeks liver shrinkage diet and then had op last Wednesday I feel fantastic just be positive and keep remembering the light is getting closer and good luck I used to fill up on cauliflower and cabbage boiled with an oxo in made a big difference lol xx
I am on day 5 of 14 on the no carb diet. I had all the same symtoms but they passed at day 3. Good luck