During my pregnancy I really struggled to stop losing weight, and at 9 months pregnant was half a stone lighter than at 6 weeks pregnant! I spoke to my dietician for advice and was told to add an extra milky drink each day and that would be enough. Well it wasn't lol. The following is what I do to maintain my weight -
- drink with meals, this helps to increase the volume you can eat
- eat a higher carb

rotein mix. I have carbs with every meal now pretty much.
- eat higher fat meals, maybe not now because of the gall stones but after the op that could be an option? I use butter, full fat cheese etc.
- graze through the day. I keep a bowl of chocolates/sweets next to me and pick through the day. Never enough to dump but gets extra calories in.
- get high calorie supplements on prescription. I had Nestle Resource Shakes which are low lactose ones, and palatable. They have 300cals per 150ml carton so don't fill me up too much volume wise. They also have vits and minerals in which is a bonus. Not enough sugar to make me dump either. I had these more in the pregnancy than now but pre-gall bladder surgery these could work for you.
I find that when I get ill I lose weight, or when I cut out dairy/wheat for my IBS the same happens. I have to do all of the above just to maintain my weight! Sometimes it annoys me as my diet now is actually quite unhealthy, and during my pregnancy was really bad lol, not a vegetable passed my lips unless it was deep fried! So now its about finding a balance that works for me.
The lesson for people newly post op or still losing is don't wait until you get to goal to start working out how to maintain, as it is trial and error and you will probably still lose weight while you work it out.