Well-Known Member
Mine were red an itchy too, that's normal as the skin heals. Have had it with all my surgeries.I'm seeing the gp on Friday as there is a lot of string hanging out of three of my cuts which are red and itchy but I don't think infected.
I too have started driving and no problems at all.
Still absolutely exhausted and can't imagine getting through a day without a nap. How on earth am I going to cope when I go back to work? I do love my job, but am def not up to it. V impressed with those ladies whose back so quickly.
I had keyhole gallbladder surgery once and the guidlelines said could go back to work after 2 weeks if a light job and I felt well enough. I ended up with 6 weeks off like I had with a full cut for something else. The body still needs to heal no matter how small the cuts are and to recover from the anaesthetic, plus we have to remember we are not getting the nutrition we had. Do you know how your iron levels are? I thought I would need to sleep a lot but have been surprised I have rarely needed a daytime nap. (pre-op diabeties often dictated i did). Only real day time in bed was when my UTI started.