Hi holliepop, im due for my band on sunday, im walking round in a daze, feeling like im gonna break down any min. living on milky coffee. Im trying so hard to hold it all together til i leave the house sunday morn cos i dont want my kids to c me ( not in control) ive been hiring dvd for the evening to take me mind off things and have walked around wilkos, homebargains , b and m buying rubbish and plants lol which i intend to do in my recouperation stage.. im going buy to buy the soil 2 mo as its heavy. i keep reading all the different journeys on here 5 6 7 times a day and its keeping me focused. The kids av just had chippy 4 tea im starving and like i said very wobbly if someone shouts at me im gonna wobble roll on bed time lol a day closer to the start of my life!!!! just thought id let u know how im feeling as at simular stage to u altho a different op u get urs b4 me grrrr!!!! lol through my studies of this site its all normal and thats what i keep telling myself. We will get through it and wear them primark knickers and be able to buy a top 4 a fiver instead of 40 quid lol ( one of my wants)