THANK YOU ALL SO SO MUCH. I am aiming to update every fri. In weight anyway.
MY mH is bad-I am back under the crisis team
1lb off today 318 or 22.10 I am seeing the weight management nurse on mon 16th, i am TRYING (Finger crossed) to be 315-which will be 1 lb off a week. NOT great BUT I am happy with that.
I hate myself- Bling hunny i have had counselling x 3, 18 months of CBT-AND it did help-I was house bound-BUT now can catch the bus ( 2 min walk, and 10 min bus journey-i time it right) into the city IF someone is meeting me the other end. EMDR and seen a psychologist and child psycholigist who says i have no bond issues withmy son-BUT because i am not there all the time now again i feel i do
My son is ill right now, and i hate i cant be there at nighttime for cuddles

I am hoping to see him tomorrow and sun.