Shrinking For Sophie
Ooooohhh not too much longer now mazza
WOW! it's only 12days and 4hrs before I arrive at the hospital in anticipation!!
Fem - I hope it's not too sore! Make sure you're taking it easy and if the pains too bad get in touch with your doc! You've got enough to contend with as it is
Chyna - oooh the day after me!! I'm glad there's someone having theirs around the same time as me! I am very nervous too hun. Sorry about your birthday - but try to see it as a positive that you're no longer allowing your old ways to rule your lifeyou will be able to do these things again hun I promise.
I've now lost 17.7kg (2st11) so it's moving albeit slower than the first couple of weeks - but hey I'm happy with that
Having to wear a belt on my jeans and trousers now - YIPPPEEEEEEEE![]()
Hi chyna .. No head hunger but more body hunger.. If I leave it too long between eating my blood sugar seems to dip and I feel giddy and sicky. I get over it my having a latte or similar to tide me over. If I ignore it I feel an empty pit in my stomach but I have no desire to satisfy it.. It's weird and hard to explain but I know these feelings well from my bad days when I would get to the late afternoon and realise that I was feeling like this because I hadn't eaten all day & then I would devour everything. I have no urges to do that now but I am well aware my tummy is hungry so I either have my meal if its due or get a drink of milk & I'm sorted. I am missing different tastes and textures now as my liquid diet is starting to get boring. Just two weeks to go
I am really really struggling at the moment. My head keeps telling me to eat something, I'm not losing weight at the moment and its making my head think 'well sod it' its so blooming hard. I've not eaten anything for 25 days now. Let me stress I'm not going to cheat! But my head keeps telling me I've got time to recover from a salad or some veg. It's crazy what your head does to you when I'm effectively on the home stretch. I'm probably rambling now but I need to voice what's in my head![]()