When's your surgery? Feeling anxious is totally normal - I had a freak out walking to theatre but made myself keep walking xx
It's at the end of the week xx
When's your surgery? Feeling anxious is totally normal - I had a freak out walking to theatre but made myself keep walking xx
Hi Andie, I don't have any regrets at all, I needed the operation because I was going to be unable to lose the weight myself and didn't want to stay that size for the rest of my life. It is hard though, probably harder than I thought it was going to be. But at the end of the day it will all be worth it![]()
Not at all Andie, I was aware that my eating habits would need to change dramatically, so that hasn't been too much of a shock. I've found it hard to remember how to drink (bear with me, I know that sounds stupid!!) - I know I have to take very small bites when I'm eating, but sometimes I still forget I need to sip drinks. First thing in the morning I am SO dry, I really want to gulp down a pint of water. A few times I've drunk too quickly and it hurts! The weight loss seems to be a bit up and down, the weeks (like this week) where I hardly lose anything (1lb this week) are hard to deal with. I've been suffering with quite a bit of pain the last 2 weeks - wind pain from eating/drinking too quickly apparently! I used to drink a lot of fizzy drinks (I drank cider when I was out, loved coke and drank red bull at work) - it's hard getting used to not being able to drink them anymore. I've also found it to be a bit of an emotional rollercoaster. My emotions are all over the place! That said, I stopped my anti depressants 4 days after the operation because I wasn't getting on with the liquid version, so that may have a lot to do with it.... Umm, I might think of other things later, but that's about it for now. I'd like to point out though, that despite whatever I've said, it was still the best decision I ever made![]()
Hi Andie, there is absolutely nothing wrong with your line of thought. WLS is not for everyone and it carries great risks. Some people do have massive health problems, whereas others don't. There's nothing wrong with trying to lose theweight yourself and then coming back to surgery if you can't. If you speak with your team about how you feel they will be more than happy to support you. I for one have had no health issues caused by the bypass and it has saved my life. I was the same as you, had all funding and then backed out as I wasn't ready to change everything. I was 26 at the time. Two years later I was bigger than ever. But because I had tried everything myself, I knew it was my only option and I have no regrets. Trust yourself; you alone know if you can maintain a weight loss - I couldn't. I certainly couldn't lose all the weight I had to lose! I have had the same debate about slimming world on a facebook group just yesterday. If you can do it, its great, but when I tried sw I didn't lose any weight. And the strict preop diets aren't usually sustainable long term so people put the weight back on. Good luck with your decision hon.
If you do decide to take a step back then yes they probably will. But if you just speak to them about your worries and ask for a meeting with a counsellor I don't think they will.Thank you for replying your journey has been amazing I have been following your diary .You have done so well in your weight loss journey and your wedding pics were so lovely. My mind is telling me I should go for it that's the logical thing to do as I have been overweight all my adult life. We don't think logically all the time tho . If I ring my team and tell them what I feel do you think they will take me off their list and then I have to go through the same process again of waiting for nearly a year? Xx
Hi - I think it is perfectly reasonable to question whether this is right for you. I wondered if it was right for me too. I was excellent at losing weight and I was even better at putting even more back one. I dallied with going alone on a continued milk diet - until the bariatric team told me that the weight loss would slow down. Yo yo dieting really messed up my body and so the bypass was the only real option. I am three and a half weeks out. I feel fortunate that it has been pretty plain sailing so far, but I am looking forward to moving away from the puréed food stage to the mashed food stage later this week. I mourn in someways that I will not be able to eat loads of bread, butter and cheese or drink loads of wine on a night out - but then I remember that my love of these things got me here in the first place. However, I already feel lighter and walking is easier - and I know that these things will improve each week. I still need to work out coping strategies for stressful times - and I know that this site is a great help.Was wondering if any of you have any regrets about having the sleeve or is it the best thing you have done. I am having my op soon and I am wondering if I should give it one last shot to try myself as I have lost a stone in 2 weeks on the pre op diet and I feel then maybe if I carry on eating healthy I can get down to a healthier weight myself.
The reason why I am feeling like this is I am very worried of not being able to enjoy food the way I have all my life. It's not even about eating loads it's more about not being able to enjoy the different types of foods.
I am so confused because although most of you on this forum are very positive I have read on other forums about people having various problems after surgery and that scares me more than being fat.
My sister has lost 7 stone on slimming world and she looks amazing and she said to me that how do I feel about not being able to eat normally ever again?
Please can you give me your honest opinions about your own wls experience and if you could turn the clock back would you have tried harder to do it yourself
I am 19 stone and 5/6
Thanks for your support everyone I am so confused
I was exactly the same. My best friend sat me down 2 weeks before my op and asked me if I was sure this is what I wanted as I kept crying I was so scared, I was scared life wouldn't ever be the same, I wouldn't like the new life but so far so good. Don't get me wrong finding the motivation to get up and exercise, eating purée and liquid for weeks is no fun but it will be soooo worth it!! My emotions were everywhere, I had fought for it for 5 years and then the few weeks before I suddenly thought what on earth am I doing, even the day of the op I nearly bottled it. It was all nerves talking and nothing more. Thank heavens I didn't run! X
Where are you having your op done? I only ask because if it's Homerton the patient support group is on this Thursday night and is very useful!
I have had a great many complication since my Sleeve but I still do not regret it. I have tried every to lose weight and know that without surgery I would have only gotten bigger and my health would have continued to suffer. I worried about letting go of food but I knew it had to be done. Well, I knew I had to let go of using it as an emotional crutch. Counselling before surgery is a good idea and I would suggest continuing with it afterwards too. As they say surgery doesn't fix what is broken in your head. Once I learned to embrace what was to come, in terms of living a healthier lifestyle, I felt such a sense of freedom. It was all about looking forward and saying goodbye to the habits that made me morbidly obese in the first place. It was not an easy process but I had to give it everything I had. Fear is normal my love. I wish you all the best. xx
Hi - I think it is perfectly reasonable to question whether this is right for you. I wondered if it was right for me too. I was excellent at losing weight and I was even better at putting even more back one. I dallied with going alone on a continued milk diet - until the bariatric team told me that the weight loss would slow down. Yo yo dieting really messed up my body and so the bypass was the only real option. I am three and a half weeks out. I feel fortunate that it has been pretty plain sailing so far, but I am looking forward to moving away from the puréed food stage to the mashed food stage later this week. I mourn in someways that I will not be able to eat loads of bread, butter and cheese or drink loads of wine on a night out - but then I remember that my love of these things got me here in the first place. However, I already feel lighter and walking is easier - and I know that these things will improve each week. I still need to work out coping strategies for stressful times - and I know that this site is a great help. In the end, only you can decide what is best for you - but if this is the best way, go for it and look forward to a new life xx
Hi AndieThank you for your comments I think you have summed up on how I have been feeling about missing out on things we love to eat which are slowly damaging our health.
I too considered staying on the milk diet but realistically I know it's not a long term solution.
Good luck and well done for starting your new healthier life xxx
Good luck Andie I will be thinking of you, I will be 5 weeks post op on Thursday and I have no regrets the only thing I would say is to make sure you drink plenty I didn't and was so poorly that my doctor wanted to admit me to hospital but I promised to drink and drink and drink. I'm at the soft food stage and it was heaven that I could have shepherds pie but then after about 3 or 4 mouthfuls I'm full up lol. I also thought I could lose the weight on my own especially when I was on the soup and yoghurt diet but I knew that when I was to eat again it would all go back on. I've lost just over 3 stones now and am fitting in clothes that I haven't worn for years. All the very best x