Last week - on 6th to be precise - I went to see gp because I acquired an abcess in my groin area just to the left of my bikini line, very uncomfortable and was size of a 50p piece. I only used to get these while stressing out and couldnt bear the feeling of being constantly uncomfortable so off I went.. while I was there I also mentioned that I have started suffering with sciatic pain - more since having lost the weight..
he asked me up onto the couch - so I struggled my way up (partly due to being uncomfortable due to abcess and partly due to being in pain due to the osteo I have)
laid down rather gingerly so as not to 'tweak' anything in my back.. and he raised my left leg first towards my stomach and asked about the amount of pain or discomfort so told him, carried on and leant leg outwards from my hip and asked again so told him.. he repeated this with my right leg going through same routine and again I answered him.. he then placed his hand under my knee and did reflex tap test.. my leg - to my knowledge - didnt move then he repeated it with my other knee.. then he did a tickle test on sole of my foot - again there was - to my knowledge - no response.. no twitching, no 'jerk' or anything.. then he told me to get up and sit in the chair.. I struggled me way off and sat back down..
after explaining my reasoning as to the weight loss being connected to the sciatic pain I was getting (rarely had any issues with sciatic pain before losing the weight I have),telling him how often (least 4 times a week varying from lasting 20 mins to over an hour) and pointing out that back in dec 2005 (just before lost my beloved grandma) I had 9 'episodes' of partial paralysis within 2 weeks where could move my toes but not my legs and they felt like 'dead-weight'..
then he hit me with a nice little bombshell.. I need urgent x-rays on my spine
and he'd get them arranged for me as soon as feasibly possible..
well.. the appointment landed this morning.. has taken them 4 workng days.. and the appointment is for next monday (17th) at 3.20pm but they dont just want a spinal x-ray.. am to have one on my lumbar region, one on my pelvic area and one on both knees
so total of 4
and am terrified they are going to find something seriously wrong with my spine :cry: My brother suffered sceptic arthritis (variant to osteo and rheumatoid) which causes lumps on joints and on his spine..when they operated to remove his - they put in steel rods to support his spine.. and it went wrong.. he's now paralysed and am terrified something similar would happen to me..
am I being stupid to assume that the weight coming off is what is now causing me more health problems? am I wrong for wishing I'd not had this op done - I know I needed to go through it to be able to be around for my family and for me to have a happier future than the life I had.. and to a certain extent - I am happier.. but am also getting very despondant at how crap my health has become.. am also having problems with my breathing at night - even with my cpap mask on.. my breathing is going so shallow am almost not moving or breathing at all - even with my mask on.. so as machine isnt sensing any breaths because it is almost non existant - unlike laboured breathing due to blockage where throat collapses..it doesnt increase pressure and OH realises he cant hear machine properly n is having to hake me awake.. and this is terrifying me so much that one night he wont realise and my heart stops altogether.. and we know what that leads to so not even saying it..
anybody else got new health issue since weight loss? or am I just being stupid here.. sorry for the rambling post but needed to get it out and hope someone can help me cope with this because right now.. I'm struggling and dont want to revert back to grabbing something to make me feel better :-(
he asked me up onto the couch - so I struggled my way up (partly due to being uncomfortable due to abcess and partly due to being in pain due to the osteo I have)
laid down rather gingerly so as not to 'tweak' anything in my back.. and he raised my left leg first towards my stomach and asked about the amount of pain or discomfort so told him, carried on and leant leg outwards from my hip and asked again so told him.. he repeated this with my right leg going through same routine and again I answered him.. he then placed his hand under my knee and did reflex tap test.. my leg - to my knowledge - didnt move then he repeated it with my other knee.. then he did a tickle test on sole of my foot - again there was - to my knowledge - no response.. no twitching, no 'jerk' or anything.. then he told me to get up and sit in the chair.. I struggled me way off and sat back down..
after explaining my reasoning as to the weight loss being connected to the sciatic pain I was getting (rarely had any issues with sciatic pain before losing the weight I have),telling him how often (least 4 times a week varying from lasting 20 mins to over an hour) and pointing out that back in dec 2005 (just before lost my beloved grandma) I had 9 'episodes' of partial paralysis within 2 weeks where could move my toes but not my legs and they felt like 'dead-weight'..
then he hit me with a nice little bombshell.. I need urgent x-rays on my spine
well.. the appointment landed this morning.. has taken them 4 workng days.. and the appointment is for next monday (17th) at 3.20pm but they dont just want a spinal x-ray.. am to have one on my lumbar region, one on my pelvic area and one on both knees
and am terrified they are going to find something seriously wrong with my spine :cry: My brother suffered sceptic arthritis (variant to osteo and rheumatoid) which causes lumps on joints and on his spine..when they operated to remove his - they put in steel rods to support his spine.. and it went wrong.. he's now paralysed and am terrified something similar would happen to me..
am I being stupid to assume that the weight coming off is what is now causing me more health problems? am I wrong for wishing I'd not had this op done - I know I needed to go through it to be able to be around for my family and for me to have a happier future than the life I had.. and to a certain extent - I am happier.. but am also getting very despondant at how crap my health has become.. am also having problems with my breathing at night - even with my cpap mask on.. my breathing is going so shallow am almost not moving or breathing at all - even with my mask on.. so as machine isnt sensing any breaths because it is almost non existant - unlike laboured breathing due to blockage where throat collapses..it doesnt increase pressure and OH realises he cant hear machine properly n is having to hake me awake.. and this is terrifying me so much that one night he wont realise and my heart stops altogether.. and we know what that leads to so not even saying it..
anybody else got new health issue since weight loss? or am I just being stupid here.. sorry for the rambling post but needed to get it out and hope someone can help me cope with this because right now.. I'm struggling and dont want to revert back to grabbing something to make me feel better :-(