Heyyyyy, time for my update I think...
So I went into Shrewsbury Royal on Tuesday afternoon, ready for my op on Wednesday morning (29th), I was expecting to go down at 08.30 but got slightly delayed as they'd left my blood samples out too long and they'd started to clot so couldn't be used, so they let someone else go before me, so I ended up going down at 10.30 ish. No drama, just mega nerves. Next thing I know I come round, just about and fall straight back to sleep!!! I semi hear things going on around me but cannot for the life of me open my eyes to acknowledge them.
After several hours of sleep etc I wake up a bit and am told everything went very smoothly and they were happy with my liver shrinkage etc. Great!! Then from that point up until I'd say Friday night was pretty crap!!! I couldn't stop being sick, and they kept wanting me to take oral medication which clearly was not helping! My temp kept spiking but I felt cold and was shivering and i had so many blood tests and obs taken that I couldn't rest preoperly either.
Then to top it off, they said I had to go for an xray of my new stomach where they make you drink this vile liquid (extremely difficult when you've been constantly vomiting and wretching). I got incredibly anxious about this but the nurses were fab and kept me smiling (when I wasn't crying haha) anyway, I got through that just about and he said all looked ok.
They were insistent that I needed to bring my temperature down before they'd let me go home so kept trying to force liquid paracetamol down my neck, which I instantly threw back up, which hurt so bad with the wretching on my new stomach
but I asked my other half to bring in some calpol and could still ony manage the equivalent of 1 paracetamol and that took me 30mins and a lot of deep breathing! I was getting a bit worried at this point, thinking oh god I am just not getting better, the wind pain was still catching me when I drank (very small amounts) and that was excrutiating!!!
And then...thank goodness my temperature starting to drop (a tiny bit) and the wretching began to drop off and they finally said that they didn't think there was much more they could do for me and that I might settle better at home and voilaaaaa, here I am.
I feel much better at home, although didn't actually have the best night's sleep. I got used to being propped up on the hospital bed and found my lovely (usually gorgeously comfortable) bed very soft and I couldn't quite get settled. Today I have had some soup for lunch, about a ramekin's worth and I've had an actimel for breakfast, some fortimel although I am finding this very difficult as it's so groce!! Oh and the vitamin drops....ewwwwwwwwww. That's it folks