I just wanted to post something...apologies if you find it a little sad or morbid!
A lad from my town went missing on Friday...everyone just laughed it off thinking he'd probably 'pulled' and was having a secret dirty weekend away somewhere, however by Sunday he hadn't contacted any family at all so they reported him missing to the police. They searched any address they could think of, and eventually found him at his nan's house. Sadly he had hung himself in her garage.
My entire town is in absolute shock as this lad, Billy, was the happy-go-luckiest type you'd ever hope to meet. I cannot stress enough, he was always on nights out, had a huge group of friends, played county level rugby, had girls throwing themselves at his feet etc. You just couldn't imagine anyone you'd think of less to be in that frame of mind. The point is, you don't know what anyone thinks or how anyone feels.
My mum works as a probation officer, and often deals with people who feel very low and threaten to commit suicide. But it's incredibly rare that they do, the very act of vocalising your intent is a cry for help, and usually means that they don't want to die, they want someone to help them. It is those who suffer in absolute silence, who post smiley pictures on facebook and who only a few weeks ago was sold off as a charity hunk at an auction I attended that are genuinely in trouble.
Billy died on Sunday and his friends and family are in shock and are truly devastated. It has really hit home with me that we all probably interact with people every single day who have feelings so low, they think about ending their life. I don't mean to preach or sound righteous, but I thought it was a nice idea, in Billy's memory if for no other reason, to prompt us all to think about the people in our lives...and let them know they are loved and cared for, so that if that day ever comes where they sink so low there appears to be no way out, they might just call upon you for help.
My heart is filled with sadness today and the town I live in has a shared loss. That's all I wanted to say
