Having spent over 3 years on this forum ups and downs occur, don't leave, preferably don't join in and wait it out would be my advice. The one thing you can always be sure of is that by 1 year post op (and often much before that) most people have disappeared however prolific they were in posting before so anyone you don't gel with on the law of averages may not be around for long.
Underlying all of this surface tension is the availability of some great advice and support that its up to you whether you accept or listen to. Most people offer it in a positive way if they don't just ignore them. 4 years ago when I started if you didn't get information from here or other forums you didn't get much. There were many fewer hospitals doing this surgery and we tended to learn from others experience and what was gleaned from USA sites.
Yep 4 years is a lifetime in the development of WLS. Now there are new surgeons and hospitals coming on stream everywhere in the UK but you really can't beat real life experiences and if enough long termers stay around you can get a range of those to see what can happen. Individuals can use the posts from long term people to enrich the hospital advice, query it if you feel valid points have come out of personal experience or just to provide an almost immediate feedback to a query or problem which can help you decide if a call to the team is valid.
Popping back into my shell now. Always here but quietly watching, posting only when I have something, hopefully, worthwhile to add, so rarely.