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Some muddled thoughts

Welcome to our little team hunnie.

What one of us cant answer or help with, someone always comes along with something really useful...and good on you for shouting up...seems you have been 'lerking' in the background...(I did too for a while!)

As others have said, ww & Sworld both offer online clubs, which are ok if you have the right mindset to do it 'on your own'.

I had to pay privately for my Band, but i really is the best thing i have ever done...my weight crept on by 1stone each year too.

I wasn't able to go NHS as i didn't meet the criteria, but it is defo worth a shot!!! Get that appointment made today...why wait any longer. We are only here once, and we should make it as happy as possible!!!!

Loads of luck and please keep intouch with us all...no more lerking! :D xxxxxx
Well, I've dieted for two weeks now and have lost 2 lbs. I'm fed up with being stared at like an abomination, fed up with having trouble finding clothes that fit etc etc.

I'll almost certainly have ot go privatelybut, as this is my own "responsibility" I should be the one paying for it - literally.

I shall enquire tomorrow.
Hi bubbles, Well done on starting the rest of your life. You recofnise you need help and that is why i whole heartedly agree with others, go to your GP. It really is the best step you can make. I was 28st before i went and it was only as a result if a potential life threatening illness that I plucked up the courage to go to my GP. Best thing I ever did. The GP was sensitive and supportive. PLEASE go. We are all rooting for you hun and once again well done.xxxxx
Good luck hun! I felt exactly the same way. I thought I'd have problems getting my doctor to refer me but he just said "yes, that's fine"!! I was VERY surprised!!!

Keep us posted!!!!

I'm 30 and have struggled to lose weight for pretty much most of my life. Depressingly I seem to put on a stone for each year. I'm about 28st now and I am considering surgery.

I have tried to diet but I live alone and don't have an active job (I test software). Cheerful people swear at me, one chap spat from across the road but more than that I am fed up with feeling trapped indoors unless it's close to freezing otherwise I begin to sweat horribly.

I can't buy clothes or furniture because I'm worried it will break under my weight. Eating out is difficult and I'm running out of excuses to avoid company dinners.

In short I don't know what to do. I've never tried weight watchers or similar because I'm hopelessly shy.

If I lost the weight I could get back to the gym as I used to five times a week ten years ago, and if I were thinner I would want to be more active generally. Is a gastric band the best course of action? Am I just seeking the easy way out?

Welcome to Mini's

By choosing to have weight loss surgery you are definitely not taking the easy option as WLS is usually the last chance an obese person has for losing their excess weight to become healthy.

I don't know what your stats are...although you say that you are 28 stone...

Elfie has given you some very good advice and I could not have said better...but she has had WLS and as yet I have not.

You have come to the right place where you will get most of the answers you need here...Everyone is very friendly.
