Well went for my check up and I was 20st 6lbs on their scales so that's officially 2 st 12lb's gone since pre op diet (2st 12lb's lost in 8 weeks)
Consultant was pleased with me and said it would be fine to start the gym. I'm now on soft foods and can swallow tablets. No more vile liquid medication hurrah!!
I went straight to my local Gymophobic gym, it's just for woman, no mirrors and is based on resistance and repetition training. Have joined up and did my first session yesterday. They were fab, did all my measurements and body fat ratio etc. Going to make the effort to go every day. They get great results with toning and inch loss.
The soft food thing is great! I'd bought myself a little one egg frying pan and have been having omelette with mushroom, cheese and ham...delicious!!! I also had some bread yesterday. I had one slice of wholemeal bread I slice ham I slice of cheese. God it was nice!
Off to the gym later on then to slimming world to get weighed. I put a load of clothes on Facebook yesterday for sale, feeling pretty good at the moment. The future is bright, the future is slimline, lol xx