Active Member
Hi fento01 time is running away I can't believe how quickly it's gone, when I saw the consultant and he said 18 week (14 is only how long I have waited) I thought that was a life time but now it's only 10 days to go. I have felt a bit hungry now and then but the pre diet is ok after 12 days I had my pre op and I'd lost 12£ , I haven't weight myself again since last week but I have gone done a size just in that two weeks. My hubby has been very inventive in the kitchen so all my meals have been great. I'm just getting All my work tidied up so I can leave with a clear clip board, now that feels great. Try keeping a large bottle of water in your sight and make sure you drink that every day it might help you because you've done well up to now keep at it because it's early days.