New Member
Ahhhh interesting - I'm due to star slim fast lsd
wooo hooo!
Had a bit of a blip yesterday (ate more than I should have) but focused again today. Finding it weird being at meetings with alcohol and snacks around all the time and sticking to it. Luckily hotel I am staying in are very accommodating so looking forward to my steamed fish and veggies for tea![]()
Hi there, just read your thread.. Keep going you are doing amazing.. I had my op in October last year and remember LSD like yesterday.. It's hard but sadly has to be done.. I remember the day of the operation, I wasn't nervous I just wanted it done as was so sick of the LSD DIET!!! I was like" please do op now sick of feeling hungry ha ha ha" but 8+ stone gone now (as weigh day tomorrow) I would not change it for the world.. I found writing about it helped.. Now sometimes I have a peek back on my journey and it's nice as sometimes it makes me giggle the things we go though and sometimes really makes me appreciate how far I come.. Keep us update and if need and help just shout.. Good luck not that u need as u doing so well.. Fatfree81 xxx
Hi Hun, I know sometimes walk pass shop windows and see my reflection and jump as I don't look like me no more.. Well the unhealthy I had gastric bypass.. And don't worry about it all you be fine.. Which is easier said than done, as I know what I was like but the waiting killed as I am so impatient.. But really from bottom of my heart I would not change it.. Post op life has become the norm now but I had to work at it and really forget what I used to do as you can slip into old rituals.. I followed the advice by the book, now just need gallbladder out so will need to do LSD diet ad gain but at least won't feel the hunger this time but my fault from all the crap I used to pump into it.. If you need anything just shout as we all learn different things along the way so that why this group is so good.. And we all come from different backgrounds and cultures and eat in different ways so you will get a lot of help here.. Fatfree81 ?