Aww Mimi, I feel so bad for you. You were feeling better and on your treadmill and everything. Personally and this is just my personal opinion I think a 4ml fill in a 10ml band right out of surgery is way to much. I think you band should have been left empty giving you time to heal and get used to altering your diet with the minimum of restriction.
I have an empty 14ml band and I have had no gas pain at all, but I do still feel a little restriction. I feel it is giving me time to heal with minimal pain or effort. When I drink water or eat soup I do get a little tightening in my chest but it goes after 5-10 seconds. I experienced a little lump feeling in my throat too but that goes away just as quick.
But I can get food down and I am losing weight, and I am definitely not hitting 1,000 cals a day either, 500/600 if I am lucky.
I think the restriction you have after having your band put in and your stomach swelling from surgery anyway was just not a great decision on your surgeons part.
I am so glad mine is empty and I am having this time to heal slowly.
I think any fills for anyone should come after the inital 6 week period. But like I said just my personal opinion. I am sure other users who had fills in their band at surgery may feel different, but I am sure this is why you are having issues. I sincerely hope you feel better soon. I would call up THG and tell them you are having these issues, you should not have to feel so depressed about it nor be in such pain