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The Raw Truth from the start

Well after putting on 2lbs last week, weigh in today the 2lbs off and wait for it another 3lbs so pleased.
Well done Mimi ... All that worrying for nothing x
mimi42 said:
Well after putting on 2lbs last week, weigh in today the 2lbs off and wait for it another 3lbs so pleased.

That's fab mimi well done x
I'm glad the winter is here because I'm going to hibernate and inmerge in the spring like a thin beautiful butterfly.lol.
Weigh in today and again I stayed the same.I've worked so hard this week.I don't no wot to do this isant working as well as I thought it would for me.everyone else seems to have weight dropping off left right and center.
mimi42 said:
Weigh in today and again I stayed the same.I've worked so hard this week.I don't no wot to do this isant working as well as I thought it would for me.everyone else seems to have weight dropping off left right and center.

Hi Hun you had a huge loss last week your body needs time to catch up good luck for the week ahead xx
Well done you, I hear you as I have maintained for 4 weeks now but you keep plugging away and that butterfly will soon emerge :D
Try changing your diet a bit if stalling, sometimes kickstarts a move again x
Stayed the same this week but the good news is I didn't watch wot I was eating and still stayed the same so I no I can maintain when I get there.so this wk iv up my exercise with help from my sister and her trusty running book which a few years ago helped me lose 4 stone.so I'm going full speed ahead, watch this space.
Well again stayed the same this week still got another week and a half b4 next fill.getting really frustrated .
Aww Mimi.... I know how you feel. I have maintained for 5 weeks now, but a lot of that is down to me not having the time to do all the things required ie excercise, counts cals etc but I will be back to normal in a few weeks and will be getting another fill also. I am 8.7ml now in my 14ml band, how about you? Still I do not feel much restriction only when eating certain foods. How are you getting on with restriction? I still feel hungry 80% of the time too. I am wondering what is this band doing for me? And the answer... not a lot! Regrets I have had a few... lalalalala la la la lala. ;)
Tracking your food or ten mins of exercise doesn't consume that much time. I always said if I have time to sit with a coffee even if at 9pm then I have time to do something! You really need to focus n work at this otherwise it's gonna be a long road :( I know life is tough but we can either make excuses or get cracking (and trust me I too made excuses at the start) however working 12hrs, driving 200 miles a day was hard going but still just an excuse for me! realising this was my turning point x
dont give up ......think of that xmas party xxx wishin u all the best xxx
Well I have 6.75ml in a 10ml band and no restriction and I'm hungry all the time.
Thank you flutterby for your message I will focus and get this weight off.I don't want to regret having it done because my family gave up things for me to have this and were still paying for it.
Well I don't no wots been happening this wk but iv not been counting calories and im ashamed to say been eating crap but iv lost 2lbs .how does that work.
Sometimes it works like that. Gives the body a shock Mimi. Obviously the odd day or so, every so often ... Not all the time :rolleyes: well done on the two off!
Wohoo 14.5 iv lost 3 lbs this week.I'm so happy.only another 2 lbs and I'll drop below the 200 into the 100's.
mimi42 said:
Wohoo 14.5 iv lost 3 lbs this week.I'm so happy.only another 2 lbs and I'll drop below the 200 into the 100's.

Well done Mimi!!!! Magic no.3!!! I used to love those weeks :)
had a fill today.0.50ml so im up to 6.75 had same mushroom soup and feeling good.
How are you finding your fills mimi? Mine have got progressively harder to do :-( the first one was an absolute breeze. Now she has to do it two or three times and its been pretty painful. What position do they have you do?