Hi Mimi, I am doing OK thanks, still bleeding

Have a ultra sound scan next week but I know its all down to the Clexane injections after surgery, well I am 99.99% sure.
Other than that I have another appointment for a fill at the same clinic in a few weeks so I am hoping there will be no issues finding it this time.
I was on holiday over the bank holiday and ate some things I would not normally eat, I had fish and chips, well I was at the beach and I did only eat half of the fish and half of the chips so... Not sure how the weigh in will go this week, but thats OK it will be what it will be

Do you feel any restriction yet? I have 5mls and I feel none. But the nurse did say it would be about 8,9,10, or 11 mls before I would feel restriction so still a way to go yet.
How is all with you? Looking forward to the kids going back to school? My little one goes full time

bit scared for him, new class, new teacher, he does not like change, but I am hoping as it is the same pupils he will adjust ok. My baby!!! I just want to keep him home with me