Doh......why did i buy a multi gym lol
I wish I'd known beforehand as my advice would have been to join a gym instead, home is not the place reach the level of pain you need to achieve if you are to achieve the results you want. My strength and muscle size gains increased greatly once I switched to training at a gym. And the views are sooo much better too
As for relationship issues, the statistics for post op break ups is much higher than in the normal population. There are a large number of reasons for this some of which have been mentioned here. Often it's the partner of the patient who has the issue and can't deal with the physical and psychological changes in their partner post op. Maybe they just like bigger people more, maybe it's a confidence thing, but whatever reason I once read that you are three times more likely to have issues with your relationship post op.
I firmly believe that if you had a strong relationship before surgery then it will after a time of adjustment be even stronger post op. If your relationship is built on sand pre op it might not survive.
Many people think WLS will be the answer to all their woes and that if they lose the weight they will suddenly be in paradise, the reality is if you have deep rooted psychological issues that made you unhappy fat, then thin you'll still have the same issues just smaller underpants. Fatness is a symptom not the cause of our problems in many many cases.
I'm not saying you fall into this category Jed, just giving my two bobs worth as to the reasons why you read of so many relationship issues on these forums. My advice to you and others who are alone would be to wait until you are comfortable in your own body and can deal with the physical things post op, then gradually get your arse out there into the unsuspecting world.
Often these things happen when you are not looking for them. I always found I could have met more ladies when shopping in Tesco than night clubs (Good job I never shopped without Val
) but you're unlikely to meet that Mr/Mrs right sat in front of your telly.
I wish you the best of luck in finding that person who is the one for you, they say as he made them he matched them so its inevitable that you guys will find someone right for you, you just have to buy a ticket to win the raffle.