Hi all, it was about time I posted an update! This might be long but I'll write it anyway
This is a story of how I almost failed, hehe
The past monday, 15th of April was my 6th month anniversary and although I was hoping to have done better by now, I think I've done well overall.
I lost 64 lb (4st 8lb) since I started and that alone would have been worth getting the band fitted even if I didn't lose any more weight. Although I am planning to lose a lot more than that
I lost a lot of weight very quickly in the beginning because I was 100% focused, thinking hardly anything other than the pre op, op and the recovery etc. For me, when I do one thing at a time, I kick ass but when the excitement wore off after the second fill or so, with hardly any restriction, I got bored of dieting and tried eating 'normal stuff' depending on the band to do my portion control. I should have lost weight if I ate half the portions, right? Wrong!
Well, I knew I was cheating but I couldn't have done better at the time due to a million things going on... We moved house to a new place, there was a lot of getting to know and getting used to while at the same time I moved to another office within the same company, closer to our new house. The commute turned out to be much much worse than I anticipated, I kinda messed up there. My job is really hectic, my hours get unpredictable at project launch deadlines, commute is killing me and working in the new office just doesn't work.
Stressed and very depressed at work, all I wanted to do all day was to go back home and eat chocolate and that's exactly what I did... Healthy food choices becoming second nature still isn't that easy for someone like me who's found joy and comfort in food for all her life, I celebrated and mourned with food - quite disturbing...
Then suddenly I stopped worrying about my job and started worrying about myself

I was sabotaging my own progress and a job was a job after all and my life was more important than that. I wrote my resignation but haven't found the courage to hand it in yet. My husband's happy to support me even if I chose to stay at home but I can't stay at home, I've never not worked, can't even imagine not working! Looking for something else meantime and I'm not going to let this job situation to take over my life. So I am back to my diet, working with my band. I have quite good restriction at the moment, I just need to work with it. I started swimming 3 times a week and spending my lunch hour walking - more decent weather sure does help! And it pays off immediately, after staying the same for 2 months or so I lost 3 pounds this week and that should give me enough motivation to carry on.
If I didn't have my band, I would have gained a couple of stones in the last couple of months and I am grateful for it. I had a little go at maintaining, lol, but glad to be back in the game. I have a lot more to lose and I'll be here for a while.
Not all things are doom and gloom in my life though! I am feeling healthier, can move around much easier. My weight loss is definitely noticed, especially by people who haven't seem me a while. I was changing to go to bed the other night and my husband said 'wow you look really slim!' and that was the best compliment because he sees me every day so he doesn't really notice as much as others can. Obviously I don't look slim at all, just less fat, lol! I will have enough courage to post photos one day hopefully...
So, that's me, almost failed but I think I'm ok now. Happy 6th month anniversary to me. 64 pounds loss isn't that bad, eh?
