I am requesting an end to this part of the debate now please regarding legal status in the UK & funding on the NHS.
If any member has any grievance relating to any post on this thread then kindly report it to Admin & Moderators immediately.
It is a breach of Minimins policy to make any post that can inflame situations.
Many Thanks,
We cross posted Isis. Sorry. Would you like me to delete my last post?
Hi Farzu, so sorry to hear you're having a difficult time at the moment. Have you thought about moving to a different area? Maybe if it is possible for you to move out of London you'll be able to get cheaper accomodation with better standards for you and your hubby. Just a thought because housing is really expensive down there. Hope you get it sorted soon because no-one deserves to be treated this way.At the end of the day we are all human, no matter where we come from we should all be treated respectfully and allowed our dignity to stay in tact. Good luck xx Gaynor xx
Farzu - I thought £650 was a reasonable amount for renting a 3bedroom house in london. I know you dont have access to one of the bedrooms (if ive read that right) I still think its quite good. But it sounds like u need CAB advice like the others have said, and properly draw up a rental agreement.
I think after paying taxes & NI for 5 years, and now not able to claim any benefits back when u really need them is very unfair. Especially when there are others who come into the country and are given EVERYTHING. But thats another story! lol. Good luck, and i hope everything works out for u x
I am requesting an end to this part of the debate now please regarding legal status in the UK & funding on the NHS.
If any member has any grievance relating to any post on this thread then kindly report it to Admin & Moderators immediately.
It is a breach of Minimins policy to make any post that can inflame situations.
Many Thanks,
i totally agree with you. I need help but don't want it if it creates a big problem.![]()
Thanks Isis. Thats the reason i posted this thread. I know i will get support from all of you.
Farzu, don't be too disheartened as there will be help for you eventually. So sorry to hear your hubby's ill but Things will work out one way or another. Good luck sweetheart xxGaynorxx