I have had a few emails asking me how I got on today at my triple appointment today..
So I thought I would post this to answer all questions I have asked.
Firstly I saw the psychologist..she was lovely..we mainly chatted about my childhood and family history and health problem(eg mobility)
If I suffered depression and how I want to see myself in two years time..it was very friendly and not as intimidating as I thought it would be....

I was truthful and honest (I air on the side of what will be will be) if I need help I would rather have it than try to cheat the system,and have bigger issues further down the line.
She did pick up that I have anxiety about blood sugars..all I said was I go into a panic mode when I have highs especially when there is no rhyme or reason for it.
She did comment that if I wanted help..she would arrange it...but as I am hoping to lower these blood sugars(on the milk diet) I didn't see the point.lol
Then onto nurse.(Julie..who is also a dietician I believe she said)
We basically went through all that had been wrote down on the first appointment..nothing had changed..but it took a while going through my medical and diabetic regime again.
Obviously all these people want me to have a bypass,its the best for diabetes..but they have not pushed me in any way..and have given information on the sleeve and band,and basically say its my choice(although I know the by pass is for me.

She was impressed at my knowledge..but she couldn't tell me if the pouch was separated from the stomach or stapled..(save that question for the surgeon me thinks)
I will just add the answers to some of my questions I asked today.
I will be put on a sliding scale.
It is unlikely I will need a blood transfusion.
I will go to hdu.
I will only have a few days of anti clotting drugs(Depending on how long I stay in hospital.)
I will be in hospital for 3 days.
Surgical stockings will be on whilst in hospital but they want you mobile as soon as possible.
The L&D bypass the limb between 50cm

and 100cm..
Its not calculated by BMI.its surgeons choice.
Contraceptive coil question(see different threads) is still unanswered.

My GP will prescribe all vitamins needed after.
L&D do not remove gall bladder unless extreme problems are there before hand,and funding has been awarded to that also.
I do not need to make my insurance aware of my op or the DVLA. I can not drive for two weeks and the doctor has to yes I am fit to drive.
Funding that is place does not have a time scale to be used..If funding is in place it is place..I cannot be refused or retracted.
Finally I saw the dietician.
She basically discarded my food diary.Then said I would start the 5% weight loss in the next few days.
I have to wait for permission/advice from the Dr about reducing my insulin.
I can have 4 pints of milk
one oxo cube
one pint of jelly
water/tea coffee/nas/nas crusha.diet sodas.
+ multi vitamin
or I can have slim fast(but for one slim fast its one pint of milk)
I will say the questions she asked where more about how I would feel about my eating post op..but as I am on restricted diet now..I didn't see much difference other than carbs being dramatically reduced and more protein based foods used.
I was the last one of the day..I did feel slightly rushed out the door.
I am in for a rough few days with carb withdrawals and insulin issues...
To be honest I cannot wait to get started now...anything has to be better than the sleep induced trace I have been in for the last few months...
I will keep you updated on my progress..
I just want to say thank you to everyone for there well wishes for today and there support.
I hope this helps others on there journey to the L&D
Sorry for this long thread...

Lisa x x x