New Member
heya everyone
am back from having stitches out from around my belly button- wasn't as bad as i thought although 1 stitch got stuck and it was a little painful coming out......
this is a pic of my belly button after the stitches came out- is still swollen but i can't beleive i have a "normal" belly button again instead oft he stretched out version i used to have.
before with stitches in....
after with stitches out.......
there is a small part where the scar is a little lumpy -on my hip at the side/piccie below and the disolvable stitches were visable but the nurse trimmed them and said i can rub bio oil into the scar.... am hoping it will help it
As for myself- i am able to move around alot better and do light activities...... can't bend over fully yet as it pulls on the scar at the side.... still also using pillows at night and am only able to still sleep on back due to scar being painful.
ALSO am allowed to return to the gym post op +3weeks for light walking and upper body activities with full return at post op +6 weeks approx
Am keeping my corset on for another 3 weeks at least day and night (total 6 weeks).... was told only needed to be 3 weeks BUT have read the longer the corset is on the better the results.
you often get sent home with 1 awful Nude coloured corset which isn't very nice- i went to marks and bought their "Magic support full body" and it does the job inbetween washes of the 1 you will get sent home with.
anyways am off now- will update again in 1 week.
Sian xx
ps am not due to see consultant now til another 6 weeks for what i assume will be my final check over etc.
heya everyone
am back from having stitches out from around my belly button- wasn't as bad as i thought although 1 stitch got stuck and it was a little painful coming out......
this is a pic of my belly button after the stitches came out- is still swollen but i can't beleive i have a "normal" belly button again instead oft he stretched out version i used to have.
before with stitches in....

after with stitches out.......

there is a small part where the scar is a little lumpy -on my hip at the side/piccie below and the disolvable stitches were visable but the nurse trimmed them and said i can rub bio oil into the scar.... am hoping it will help it

As for myself- i am able to move around alot better and do light activities...... can't bend over fully yet as it pulls on the scar at the side.... still also using pillows at night and am only able to still sleep on back due to scar being painful.
ALSO am allowed to return to the gym post op +3weeks for light walking and upper body activities with full return at post op +6 weeks approx
Am keeping my corset on for another 3 weeks at least day and night (total 6 weeks).... was told only needed to be 3 weeks BUT have read the longer the corset is on the better the results.
you often get sent home with 1 awful Nude coloured corset which isn't very nice- i went to marks and bought their "Magic support full body" and it does the job inbetween washes of the 1 you will get sent home with.
anyways am off now- will update again in 1 week.
Sian xx
ps am not due to see consultant now til another 6 weeks for what i assume will be my final check over etc.