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Two weeks to go...


New Member
Hello everyone!

I have been secretly trawling these message boards for a few weeks now (should have piped up sooner!). I'm so glad to have found so many inspirational stories and more importantly, such a supportive atmosphere.

I'm booked in for a gastric bypass on the 27th June and have therefore started the dreaded liver shrinking diet, but still have so many niggling doubts which I wondered if the more experienced people could help me out with!

Firstly, my surgeon was optimistic about the bypass as opposed to the banding but didn't seem to address the fact that the bypass is such a permenant solution. What are your views on the bypass as opposed to banding? Does anybody feel like they have made a mistake with their option and wish they had chosen the other?

I'm also really aware that food is such a social thing, so how does everybody cope with going out for meals or special events? Do you find you have to explain yourself a lot?

Being just 21 year old student and enjoying the odd night out (in tipsy style!), how will the bypass affect going out for a few drinks with friends, or is it out of the question?

The idea of having to take vitamin supplements forever worries me slightly too. Do tablets still go down fairly easily? And also, because less nutrients are absorbed by food, do you feel constantly tired even months or years after the surgery?

Obviously, I absolutely detest my body now, but I'm worried that extreme and rapid weight loss will make it look even worse (i.e. with loose skin). Has anybody managed to avoid this by doing specific exercises? I know that question is rather shallow considering weight loss surgery is for health reasons also, but I don't currently have any weight related health problems so it's hard to consider that side of things as much.

And finally (if you haven't got tired of questions yet!), can anybody give me any indication of the quantities of food you can eat after the bypass, obviously not immediately after surgery, but after around 3 or 4 months? Can you still sit down for proper meals, but just smaller, or do you find yourself constantly restricted? I'd really appreciate if anybody could post a typical days meal plan so I could get some idea of what life will be like.

Apologies for asking so much in one post, but this seemed like the ideal place to ask.

Thanks! :)
Sorry i can`t answer the questions but i`m scheduled the day after you & still have lots of questions too..i`ll be watching your post

Good luck x

Welcome jensicle,

Good to have you with us on MiniMins.

Sorry I can't answer so many of your questions, but I am sure someone will be along who can.

Obviously, I absolutely detest my body now, but I'm worried that extreme and rapid weight loss will make it look even worse (i.e. with loose skin). Has anybody managed to avoid this by doing specific exercises? I know that question is rather shallow considering weight loss surgery is for health reasons also, but I don't currently have any weight related health problems so it's hard to consider that side of things as much

I would think loose skin is something that does bother most of us who have a lot of weight to lose and personally I do think if you moisturize and massage the skin regularly does help and makes you feel good afterwards.

Gentle stretch and toning exercise seem to work well as your weight comes down and some swear drinking six to 8 glasses of water a day helps to keep it dehydrated and plumped out.

Some people are very lucky and get no loose skin others unfortunately are not.

I think if you look at your parents or family members and see how their skin is standing up to the wear and tear of life it will give you a good idea of how your skin will stretch and spring back as personally I think it is down to genetics at the end of the day.

But definitely do all you can to help the condition of your skin and regardless of how it turns out you will know that you did do the best you could to help it and not be saying why did I not do this or that before...

Also, they say you must give your skin a chance to spring back and it is a month for every stone you lose.

Good luck with your operation and I hope it all works out well for you.

Love Mini xxx

I'm having a rny bypass in July, and considered both the band and bypass options.

There were 3 main reasons I went for the bypass, firstly the band has a 40% complication rate, secondly the long term results are better with the bypass, and thirdly I felt that I needed the dumping syndrome to stop me having things like pepsi and chocolate.

Can't answer any of your other questions though sorry!

I went for a consultation today. My surgeon has recomended the band for me, considering my age (35) and BMI (41). He has an excellent success rate with the band, and in the long-term (5yrs) his banders have lost more and maintained their loss better than the bypassers, partly due to the element of individual adjustment that the band allows.

I was concerned about the band at first as I have a terribly sweet tooth. My surgeon has a lady who has been bypassed who prefers to have raging diarrhoea every day as a side effect, just so she can continue to eat a tub of ben and jerrys on a daily basis, so the bypass does not automatically mean that you cannot eat anything sweet!

He also pointed out to me that if the bypass fails to work for you, as it does for some then that is the end of the surgical road, but if the band does not work then there are other options to consider...

It really is an individual thing, so read as much as you can and get lots of opinion. Before I went for my consultation I would say I was veering towards bypass, but opted for the band in the end so you must do what feels right for you. Good luck x

I had my Bypass on 15 May 2008, and am still very early on in stage..... I thought i would only be able to have the band but when i went for my consultation, it was decided the banding was nt right for me and he gave me the choice of the sleeve or the bypass..... I decided the bypass was the better option!!!!!!!!!!

I would only suggest you keep reading peoples threads and do lots of research..... I understand what your concerns are for me i wanted to loose the weight and no i wont be able to eat like i used to, but i willstill be able to socialise and eat, just not in huge amounts which is fantastic!!!!

Good Luck and we are all here for you
hi jen i feel i just ha dto reply to ur thread hun well where do i start, well i had my bypass 1 year ago and to date have lost just ova 8 stone, it was the best thing i have eva done apart from give birth 4 times lol, in the beginning u will only be able to have puree food sounds crap but a must u start to take vitamins and calcium 6 weeks post op and they r easy to get down and an absolute necessity 4u, once u progress onto solid food things become easier, after a year im able to go to macdonalds with the kids and eat a whole macchicken sandwich with lettuce and mayo (yes hallelouyah there is a god and he loves me lol) but ur pouch will tell u wen its full, some days u will have trouble keeping things down its just ur body going through a massive shock to ur system because u r bypass and ur mind remembers what the food was like and how much u cud eat b4 the op, it is an emotional as well as a physical battle but u get thru with flying colours, im afraid loose skin is part and parcel with the op no amount of exercise will alter that fact, u feel tired in the early weeks due to rapid weight loss but it soon goes in time wen ur weight regulates, i was 25stone to start with and 5ft 2, im now 16st 12lb and unfortunately still 5ft 2 lol, but so so happy with it i was a size 34 in tops now 16/18 which is great, now if theres anymore advice u want u can mail me or msn me its georginajones13@hotmail.co.uk i have helped many on here pre and post op or just ask any1 for help and they are more than willing to help u i hope ive answered some of ur questions for u hun take care xxx
Hi jen, congrats on your op!!! I had mine eight weeks ago (gastric bypass) I weighed twenty two stones and now I am down to 17,3 (yeeeessssss!) When it comes to the vitamin tablets for the first few weeks I had the chewable ones that basset make in blackcurrent (dont get the red ones they taste urrrhhhhhh!!!) and I now happily take regular vitamin tablets (I prefer seven seas mulit spectrum, they are small and go down very easy) Food wise at the min I can have as much as my three year old nephew, ie very small portions, but the grip that food had over me seems to have left me, if any thing I have to remind myself to eat because I never feel hungry. If you would like to chat some more feel free to add me to msn its callysplace@hotmail.co.uk . One last thing with the loose skin, I think it differs from person to person I do think that you have age on your side and your skin should still be pretty elastic (not like mine:cry:lol) Good luck hun, this will be life changing for you!
Hi Jen...

I agree with everything everyone has said on here........... Georgina is fantastic(her head will get so big) not sure id have coped without her!!!!!!!

Welcome to our groups
Thanks for the support and advice everyone!

Well, after fully researching everything, reading your stories and going to meetings, I've decided to go ahead with the bypass.

I'm booked in tomorrow morning and although I'm not exactly excited (last minute nerves!), I realise it's the start of a journey I have to go on, a means to an end so to speak.

Don't think I'll get a wink of sleep tonight though! :(
Thanks for the support and advice everyone!

Well, after fully researching everything, reading your stories and going to meetings, I've decided to go ahead with the bypass.

I'm booked in tomorrow morning and although I'm not exactly excited (last minute nerves!), I realise it's the start of a journey I have to go on, a means to an end so to speak.

Don't think I'll get a wink of sleep tonight though! :(

BIGGGG Good Luck for tomorrow Jensicle, not that you will need it lol x

Don't forget we will be thinking of you, and don't forget to let us all know how you get on once you are on the losing side x
hey Jen thats amazing, tomorrow! You must be so excited! How are the nerves holding out?