Feeling a lot better after my talk with Sam earlier...you are awesome Sam
Thank you darling.
Feeling a lot better after my talk with Sam earlier...you are awesome Sam
I will just pre-warn you all. Please note that I am very pissed off and ready to explode. So if I say anything that sounds nasty it isn’t towards you. Just the *******s at connells.!!!
Application for my morgage was never sentWhat's happened, Rach?
Application for my morgage was never sentand i was told it was.
Leo is a lovely name
So my good friend Twig and I are both trying to be good. No set firm targets or anything, just trying our best and seeing how we get on.
Greetings to the Masssiiiive (or not so Massiiiiive in some cases!). I hope Terri is getting her back sorted, Allie is feeling less pain, Teen is behaving herself, Lorna is still upbeat despite her PCT being total sh!ts, that Sam & Twig stand away from the fridge (I'll be in there before you anyway) and that Rachel gets her mortgage sorted.
As for me? I'm going to Hibiscrub meself to within an inch of me life in prep for tomorrow.
Hopefully will see Natalie there.